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The Ivy League is a very special place to be, because you get to participate in an amazing academic program while also competing in a competitive league. I feel so happy to be here. The classes are interesting and the campus is amazing. My teammates and coaches are extremely supportive of me and they always push me to be better. Cornell University offers so many opportunities for me to discover my interests and develop myself to become a strong woman in the future. Tassos and Kıvanç Abla have been very encouraging and helpful since day one. They have responded to all my questions and concerns, with a clear, sincere guidance and direction. Also Kristin, an amazing athlete, has been a true role model for me to make my decision. Without Nomos, none of this would have been possible! This is just the beginning of my journey and I’m sure that Nomos team is always going to be there when I need them. Parents: Doga being our single child, we were hesitant to send her to USA for University education, due to the distance. However, the way Tassos, Kıvanç and Kristin approached us was such encouring and convincing. In such critical process; “trust” is so important, and this was exactly what we found with Nomos right at the very first interaction. We immediately decided to partner with them. Then, as things progressed, we also have witnessed:
There is also one thing which deserves another special call out is the power of their connections and network and how they built their relations strongly with the coaches, also based on trust and openness. These were the magic keys to unlock the doors to Ivy League _which was Doga’s target_ together with her hard work and commitment. Tasos, Kıvanc, Kristin; thanking you from the bottom of our hearts!
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My parents also said: Tassos Kaburakis was by our side the whole time and he familiarized us with the procedure. Ηe was so encouraging and helpful as a friend. Tassos has always been there to explain, support, guide, and fight for the best for our daughter. He saw her true potential both academically and athletically speaking, and he led us to the best fit for Georgia! We are truly thankful for the team!
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When I got accepted to Stanford, Tassos and Kristin were two of the people thanked first! This process would not have been as fascinating and interesting as it was without them! Parents: Tassos Kaburakis and Kristin Folkl played an important role in Elena’s commitment to Stanford! They were by her side all the time and they were helping us with the rules and the procedures that we were not aware of. They were always trying to help Elena be as ready as possible in this competitive environment and we are so happy that they will continue be by her side in the future ! Thank you !
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Ellie being a middle-distance track athlete with many accomplishments and an excellent student, was aiming at a scholarship from a distinguished D1 university but offers were not up to our expectations at the beginning. As frustration and disappointment started to settle in and time was running out, we reached out to the NOMOS team and soon the situation took a positive turn. Tassos believed right away in Ellie and with his confidence and expertise, quickly gained her absolute trust. He worked rigorously and fast, laid out alternative options and with as systematic approach discussed the academic and athletic profiles of potential schools to target. He and the team supported Ellie in every step providing solutions to problems that arose and suggesting alternatives to maximize chances of success. Most importantly he never lost faith, although the process was very time sensitive and soon distinguished universities were interested in offering our daughter the opportunity of a scholarship. And then … Ellie was faced with the next challenge: Which university to choose? What would be the best fit and why? Again, Tassos was there to guide her through the negotiating process, subtly balancing the different timing between offers and finally reaching HER decision. We could not have been prouder of Ellie, as she is now starting her sophomore year at one of the top US institutions: Stanford University! A dream comes true! Although it has been a challenging first year with the pandemic, she succeeded in both becoming a valuable member of the Stanford track team and scoring excellent academic results. Tassos always follows her accomplishments and never forgets to call her to congratulate her. He still offers his support and is always available to help whenever Ellie needs his advice. Having lived this experience at every step we unreservedly recommend Tassos and the skilled NOMOS team for their professionalism, dedication, and effectiveness. Above all we feel grateful to have such excellent partners!
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Γονείς: Είναι αλήθεια όταν μιλήσαμε την πρώτη φορά με τον Τάσο για το επόμενο βήμα της Ραφαέλας, είμασταν δύσπιστοι αν θα μπορούσε η ΝΟΜΟΣ να εκπληρώσει τα όνειρα της κόρης μας δηλαδή συγκεκριμένες σπουδές σε υψηλό ακαδημαϊκό επίπεδο, όπως και να συνεχίσει να εξελίσσεται αθλητικά στο καλύτερο πανεπιστημιακό πρωτάθλημα του κόσμου. Ο Τάσος και η Κρίστιν και όλη η ομάδα της ΝΟΜΟΣ πίστεψαν από την πρώτη στιγμή πως η Ραφ μπορεί και της αξίζει να περάσει στην απέναντι πλευρά, όπου με την δική τους καθοδήγηση υπομονή και επιμονή ήταν πάντα εκεί ώρες μέρες και νύχτες ολόκληρες για το καλύτερο αποτέλεσμα. Πλέον βρίσκεται στο SCU στην καρδιά της sillicon valley σε ένα από τα αξιολογοτερα ακαδημαϊκά πανεπιστήμια της Αμερικής στην Καλιφόρνια μέσα σε ένα απίστευτο περιβάλλον, όπου εντάχθηκε στους bronchos στην WCC μια από τις πιο ενδιαφέρον μπασκετικα περιφέρειες. Δοξάζουμε τον Θεό που βρέθηκαν στον δρόμο μας και τους ευχόμαστε ολόψυχα τα καλύτερα.. Σας ευχαριστούμε για όλα!!!
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A dream come true! From the first moment that Stavroula started her career in volleyball, one thing stood out, and it was her talent! Everyone was talking about a talented child with a personality and athletic values. A man, however, managed to highlight all these and reach the next athletic step and he was none other than Tassos Kambourakis. He was the only person who did not stop fighting and trying to fulfill Stavroula her life dream. We feel lucky and blessed by God that this man was found in our lives! In every obstacle that arose in this journey, the team of NOMOS was with us and tried for the best. And that's done. Stavroula found herself in an excellent college in the US that can only get good from there! We would like to thank the whole family of NOMOS and especially Mr. Tassos Kambourakis, Mrs. Kristin, and Mr. Kostas Papastergiou. We will be grateful to you for a lifetime. NOMOS speaks with deeds that are the most trusted and important thing. God bless you and give you everything generously!
(Ένα όνειρο που έγινε πραγματικότητα! Η Σταυρούλα από την πρώτη στιγμή που ξεκίνησε την πορεία της στο βολλευ ένα πράγμα διακρινότανε, και ήτανε το ταλέντο της! Όλοι μιλούσαν για ένα παιδί ταλαντούχο με προσωπικότητα και αθλητικές αξίες. Ένας άνθρωπος ομως κατάφερε να τα αναδείξει όλα αυτά και να την φτάσει στο επόμενο αθλητικό σκαλοπάτι και αυτός δεν ήτανε άλλος από την Τάσο Καμπουρακη. Ήτανε ο μοναδικός άνθρωπος που δεν σταμάτησε να αγωνίζεται και να προσπαθεί για να εκπληρώσει η Σταυρούλα το όνειρο ζωής της. Αισθανόμαστε τυχεροί και ευλογημένοι από τον θεό που βρέθηκε αυτός ο ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ στη ζωή μας! Σε κάθε εμπόδιο που προεκυπτε σε αυτό το εγχείρημα η ομάδα του ΝΟΜΟΣ ήτανε κοντά μας και προσπαθούσαν για το καλύτερο. Και αυτό και έγινε. Η Σταυρούλα βρεθηκε σε ένα εξαιρετικό κολλέγιο της Αμερικής που μονο καλά μπορεί να αποκομίσει από εκεί! Θα θέλαμε να ευχαριστήσουμε όλη την οικογένεια του ΝΟΜΟΣ και ιδιαίτερα τον κ.Τάσο. Θα σας είμαστε ευγνώμων μια ζωή για όλα. Ο ΝΟΜΟΣ μιλάει με πράξεις τι πιο έμπιστο και σημαντικό. Να σας έχει ο θεος καλά και να σας τα δώσει όλα απλόχερα!)
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USA provide every single detail for you. They plan your classes and practice schedule so it so easy to make everything together. Everything that comes to your mind is provided by school. When I think about all of these resources, USA was the best choice. There were a lot of girls who went to USA, which was an example to me. All of them are very successful right now and they are showing their best games. When you see them and talk about the wonderful things they've experienced, this gives me courage. I said why don't I do it? This is how my story of meeting the NOMOS family begins. I had the chance to join NOMOS EVE in March 2020. I went first to Istanbul and then to Greece. It was a great period. I both joined training and had the opportunity to talk to the US coaches attending. They took our practices and they sent them to the coaches who couldn’t make it to the organization. With these resources lots of coaches watched you. It's very challenging but fantastic process. Thanks to this, I had the chance to meet Kivanc Murathanoglu, Tassos Kaburakis and Kristin Folkl. Really great people. They support and help you in every way. I was wearing T-shirt number #24 at Nomos EVE. And luckily, Kristin also wore number #24. She is a very successful person both in career and in sports. It's true that it brought me great luck. I hope I can be as successful as her in the future. I am grateful for NOMOS. Everybody should go to this organization. By all means I had lots of difficulties. I started searching for universities when I was a senior in high school. It was challenging both to study for the exams required by universities and to study for my school's own exams. I should never give up and be patient. Even if I don't get the result I want, I look at where I made a mistake and try to do better. Everything you want happens when you don't give up. I will have difficulties when I go there but University of South Florida is truly a fabulous place. I am so lucky to have been accepted. My teammates and my coaches are wonderful people. I know that when I get there they will always help me with everything. And of course my family and friends support me all the time. Everyone gets a chance like this once and you have to use it. Otherwise you will regret it later. I got lucky and I'm glad I attended the EVE event. So if you're reading this, I think you've had luck too :)
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It was March 2018, when Anna’s athletic and academic dream commenced. Tassos and Kristin guided her through this path, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, a spaceship has other components as well, like Nikos Zina’s magic touch on the videos, Kostas Papastergiou’s legal knowledge and Maria Kalara’s mothering and coaching advice. A big thank you to each and everyone who is part of the Nomos Family, especially Tassos and Kristin, for the once in a lifetime chance that you offered our daughter. May you continue giving this blessing to other talented children in the future. As my favorite writer, William Arthur Ward, says, Tasso and Kristin, thank you again for being such great teachers!
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While Areti is already in the United States, at the University of Rochester, and she is very excited with her new life, it is our time to provide our experience for Nomos and their help to make her dream come true.
We have heard a lot about Nomos and their success in NCAA D1 and in the beginning we came in contact with Maria. She first informed us about the stages we had to follow, the opportunities that they give to the volleyball players that want to become student-athletes in the US and she invited Areti to be a part of the trainings/tryouts of Nomos. With that being said, she first took part in EVE 2020 in order to gain some experience and video tapes for her highlight video that Nomos would create.
The first contact happened online with Tassos and Kristin during the first quarantine. Both Kristin and Tassos explained the whole process, answered all of our questions, and most importantly they shared with honesty their thoughts about Areti’s possibilities as a player. We were aware that Areti, with only three years of playing volleyball, needed a lot of work and they highlighted that very much so. They let her know that they would for sure do their best, they asked her to not get disappointed, and the most important, they didn’t promise her any certain success. From the first time it was obvious that Areti’s case would be something new not only for us but a challenge for Nomos as well. Because of her academic qualifications and excellence, the interest was clearly for teams in NCAA D3 (A+) universities where volleyball could be supportive for her studies. This was something that was discussed through with Tassos and he didn’t negotiate it! The truth is that Areti’s academic results helped a lot in this certain academic level but we wouldn’t have thought about it if it wasn’t for Tassos and his connections to top universities. Tassos had always been there through the whole process to answer our questions, to help in procedural matters, to navigate and to prudently raise morale. He referred us to his peers - now friends of ours - of Nomos for quick, correct, and timely problem-solving and processing that otherwise would have been a lot to deal on our own. And after all this, the long wanted result came along for Areti and us: one of the top universities of the US, the University of Rochester.
We now are sure and know that while Areti will be studying there all of her years, Nomos will be by her side to help, advise, and navigate. Just like Tassos, who believed in her abilities and powers, named our girl Aretoula, Nomos’ and their people became family to us.
Tassos, Kristin, Maria, Kostas, and to the rest of the team,
Thank you!
Αγαπητή οικογένεια του NOMOS Καθώς η Αρετούλα βρίσκεται ήδη στην Αμερική στο University of Rochester και είναι κατενθουσιασμένη με τη νέα της ζωή είναι ώρα να καταθέσουμε και εμείς την εμπειρία μας για τη NOMOS και πως μας βοήθησε στην πραγματοποίηση του ονείρου .
'Εχοντας ακούσει για τη NOMOS και τις επιτυχίες της στην D.1 στην αρχή ήρθαμε σε επικοινωνία με την Μαρία όπου μας έκανε μία πρώτη ενημέρωση σχετικά με τα στάδια που θα πρέπει να ακολουθήσουμε, τις δυνατότητες και τις ευκαιρίες που δίνει σε παιδιά που παίζουν βόλεϊ να σπουδάσουν στις ΗΠΑ και κάλεσε την Αρετή να συμμετέχει σε προπονήσεις-ακροάσεις της NOMOS. Έτσι συμμετείχε για πρώτη φορά στο EVE 2020 ώστε να αποκτήσει εμπειρία και καταγεγραμμένες φάσεις για το βίντεο που θα φτιαχνόταν από τη NOMOS .
Η πρώτη επικοινωνία με τον Τάσο και την Κριστίν έγινε εν μέσω της πρώτης καραντίνας διαδικτυακά και τόσο η Κριστίν όσο και ο Τάσος μας εξήγησαν όλη την διαδικασία, απάντησαν σε όλες μας τις ερωτήσεις και κυρίως μας είπαν με ειλικρίνεια τι πίστευαν για τις δυνατότητες της Αρετής ως παίκτρια. Γνωρίζαμε πως η Αρετή σαν παίκτρια με εμπειρία 3 ετών μόνο, ήθελε πολύ δουλειά και αυτό της το τόνισαν ιδιαίτερα! Την διαβεβαίωσαν πως θα κάνουν ότι μπορούν, της ζήτησαν να μην απογοητεύεται και το βασικότερο δεν της υποσχέθηκαν σίγουρη επιτυχία. Από την πρώτη στιγμή φάνηκε ξεκάθαρα πως η υπόθεση της Αρετής θα ήταν κάτι καινούργιο όχι μόνο για εμάς αλλά και πρόκληση για την NOMOS καθώς λόγω ακαδημαϊκών προσόντων και αριστείας, το ενδιαφέρον ήταν καθαρά για ομάδες D3 (Α+) πανεπιστήμια όπου το βόλεϊ θα είναι υποστηρικτικό στις σπουδές της. Αυτό ήταν κάτι που το συζήτησε διεξοδικά με τον Τάσο και δεν το διαπραγματεύτηκε! Η αλήθεια είναι πως οι μαθητικές επιδόσεις της Αρετής βοήθησαν πολύ στο συγκεκριμένο ακαδημαικό επίπεδο που όμως δεν θα το είχαμε καν σκεφτεί αν δεν ήταν ο Τάσος και οι επαφές του σε κορυφαία πανεπιστήμια. Καθ όλη τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας ο Τάσος ήταν εκεί να απαντά στις ερωτήσεις, να βοηθά σε διαδικαστικά θέματα, να κατευθύνει και να ανεβάζει με σύνεση το ηθικό. Μας παρέπεμψε στους συνεργάτες -πλέον φίλους- της NOMOS για την γρήγορη έγκαιρη και σωστή επίλυση προβλημάτων και διεκπεραίωση διαδικασιών που σε άλλη περίπτωση θα μας είχαν φανεί βουνό .
Έτσι ήρθε για την Αρετή και για εμάς το επιθυμητό αποτέλεσμα σε ένα από τα κορυφαία πανεπιστήμια των ΗΠΑ το University of Rochester
Ξέρουμε και πλέον έχουμε τη σιγουριά ότι όλα τα χρόνια των σπουδών της Αρετής η NOMOS θα είναι πάντα δίπλα της να τη βοηθά, να τη συμβουλεύει και να την κατευθύνει! Όπως για τον Τάσο που πίστεψε στις ικανότητες και δυνατότητες της, το κορίτσι μας έγινε η Αρετούλα, έτσι και για μας η NOMOS και οι άνθρωποι που την αποτελούν είναι πλέον οικογένεια!
Τάσο, Κριστίν, Μαρία, Κώστα και όλο το υπόλοιπο team,
Σας ευχαριστούμε !
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![]() I would strongly recommend attending the Nomos Eve, it’s a great place to meet coaches, other girls, and parents who are in the same boat as your family. I am kind of sad that all the expectations, anticipation and uncertainties are over, but then - there’s so much more to look forward to.
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![]() As long as I know myself, I have always set big goals for myself. And I tried my best to achieve these goals. One of my biggest dreams was to get a good education in America and to play volleyball with international players in the college league. In 2019, I met the NOMOS team. It was as if fate had brought us together. They understood very well what I wanted and what I was aiming for and I think they saw that light in me :). They helped me and I had the opportunity to talk with the coaches, with the camps in both Greece and Turkey. Thanks to them, I achieved my biggest dream. I don't know how to thank them on this road. Ευχαριστώ για όλα.
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![]() Dünyada ve ülkemizde yaşanan pandemi nedeniyle gündem çok yoğundu.Belirsizliklerin hakim olduğu bu dönemi yavaş yavaş geride bırakıyoruz.
Zorlu koşullara rağmen,uzun vadeli hedeflerimiz doğrultusunda çalışmalarımızı kararlılıkla sürdürdük.
Sizlerin üstün gayretleri ve bağlılıkla yaptığınız çalışmalarla bu zorlu süreci başarıyla tamamlıyoruz.
Başarılarımızın gerçek sahibi olan sizlere candan teşekkür ediyoruz.
Nomos Ailesi liderliği,ileri görüşlülüğü ve samimi yaklaşımıyla bizim için örnek olmaya ve yolumuzu aydınlatmaya devam edecektir.Nomos Ailesinin kızlarımızın voleybol hayatında hak ettikleri pozisyonlarda görev alması ve üniversite eğitimleri konusunda çok değerli katkıları olmuştur.
Nomos Ailesini her zaman sevgiyle hatırlayacağız ve unutmayacağız.
Yardımcı Ailesi olarak sizleri saygı ve sevgiyle selamlıyoruz.
Seval –Cem- Güçlü- Peyman YARDIMCI
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![]() I have always worked hard to play volleyball at a high level and to be educated at a good university. When I met the Nomos family, I knew I could make my dreams come true. In a short time, they helped me find the right way for myself. They have always been there for me through this process,supported me and helped me even when I had the slightest problem. I'll always be grateful to them. They guided me along this path in the best possible way. Now a new journey begins for me. I'll always work hard to be the best. I'm glad I worked with them. Once again, thank you so much for everything, Nomos family.''
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As a family, we decided to “measure” our strengths and try to take the next step for Giannis. He is passionate about basketball and it is the love of his life. Starting this journey, we had to choose the best players for our corner. We heard about Nomosllc and Dr Kaburakis from common friends in Athens. As I looked into it, I was more confident that it was the right choice for our family. Tasos, Kostas and all the members of the crew turned out very helpful with good knowledge of all issues we faced. Their answers and suggestions were always on time and very accurate. We consider that this is the first stop to our exciting journey and very beautiful things meant to happen. Thanks for everything Nomosllc!
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![]() I will focus on Markella joining Olympiakos. The next year she was offered a full scholarship to Moraitis School after the recommendation of a fellow player and good friend.
The same thing happened with Nomos... all came by chance but nothing is gained by chance!
We both grabbed all the opportunities but worked systematically, with commitment, happiness, optimism, under the awaken guidance and surveillance of Nomos and the 24-hour response to every silly or serious question or worry from Tassos Kaburakis.
We have worked as a well organized team for one and a half year, most of the work done by Tassos and Markella.
Tassos has always been there for us to explain, support, guide, fight for the best for Markella, and always ask what she really wants to get!!!
Markella worked really hard cause I am not the typical Greek mother... If you want something, you have to prove you want it, and deserve to get it through actions not words; and that's what Markella did!!!
I am the kind of parent, who puts aside the emotion and contributes to the dreams of the child; but nothing would have been achieved without the aim of Nomos. Every difficulty or obstacle for us was a piece of cake for Tassos and his team cause they are knowledgeable, persistent, committed, well organized, supportive, and above all humans in their soul.
I never got the sense of being just a client, NEVER. From the very beginning I got the feeling of being partners and friends, working for Markella's goal, cause she set the goal for herself.
So give your child the chance to realize its dream in cooperation with Kaburakis' team and it is going to be a joyful and successful process!
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I am so happy that I was able to achieve my goal and see this day. It has been my dream and goal for most of my life to get a university education in the United States, while playing volleyball at a top level. All my efforts still would not have been sufficient if I had not met the Nomos family and participated in their EVE camp in Thessaloniki in 2019. I knew exactly what I wanted and needed to do. I had one year to overcome my biggest obstacle; The language. It has been a hectic year, but with people who believed in me, and supported me just like a family, when I look back it wasn't all that difficult. I am grateful to them for thinking and planning down to every little detail of my future. If I am at the point today where I am able to look at my near future with hope and confidence I have to thank my Nomos family for that. Once again thank you so much for everything, and you can be sure that I will make you proud. God bless you! Bu günü görebildiğim, bunu başarabildiğim icin çok mutluyum. Uzun zamandır hayalim olan Amerikada hem eğitim görebilmek ve aynı zamanda iyi bir seviyede voleybol oynamayı istiyordum. Fakat tek başıma olsaydım bunu başaramazdım. 2019 yılında Selanikte katıldığım kamp sayesinde Nomos ailesiyle tanıştım. Bunu kesin olarak yapmak istediğime karar verdim.Önümde 1 yıl kadar bir süre ve benim için büyük bir engel olan dil vardı.Ama ne yapmak istediğimi biliyordum. Beni yoğun tempolu bir sene bekliyordu.Sıkı bir çalışma ve arkamda bana ailem gibi destek olan insanlar olduğu için çok da zor olmadı.Bu süreçte benim için en iyi şekilde planlamarı yaptıkları için çok minnettarım. Bu gün rahat bir nefes alabiliyorsam onların sayesinde. Bana her zaman yardımcı ve destek olmalarından ve en önemlisi bana inanmalarından dolayı çok büyük teşekkür ederim.
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Son iki yıldır hayalini kurduğum ve genç yaşlarımın çoğunda başarmak için çalıştığım bir şeyin gerçeğe dönüştüğünü sizinle paylaşmak istiyorum. Tüm yolculuğum için yanımda olurken, hayallerimi gerçekleştirmede bana tüm yol boyunca yardımcı olan NOMOS ailesi, tüm takdiri hak ediyor. Şimdi yeni bir yolculuk benim için başlamak üzereyken, bazı insanların bir teşekkürden daha fazlasını hak ettiğini herkese hatırlatmalıyım. NOMOS ailesi! Kalbimde ve dualarımda çok özel bir yeri var. Her şey için teşekkürler!
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![]() I had many thoughts of studying abroad from a really young age because of my school, Anatolia College. But I had a big passion for volleyball too. So when I was 16 I decided that I want to combine my studies with playing volleyball. I couldn’t imagine my life without it so I said to myself that I will give my best in order to make my dreams come true. And that’s when Tasos, Kristin, and the Nomos family comes in. I told them what I was looking for, a good academic and athletic career. Tasos told me the truth. He told me: “it’s hard but if we work all together we can make it Antypaki mas!”. We created a relationship full of trust and love. They believed in me from the very beginning and always guided me like I was their family. After the many conversations that we had, the uncountable emails that we sent, and the work that we did, my dreams came true! I committed to Rutgers University! Thank you is the least I can say to you to show how much I appreciate what you and your family have done for me in order to chase my dreams.
Thanks, Dad, Mom, Tasos, Kristin, Nomos family!
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The “American dream” spontaneously grew inside me as I was getting better at basketball and met teammates that were also following this path. However, being a foreigner and having not enough knowledge about my future, my insecurities and fear grew larger. My parents were not economically stable nor had any experience to share with me about a better future in athletics and academics outside Greece. Suddenly, all my dreams collapsed only by the thought of it. Thankfully, through the sport that I love, I was lucky enough to be exposed to coach Dimitropoulos from a great school, the American Community School of Athens, where I received a three-year scholarship. In the beginning it was very challenging as I changed educational systems and I received the call to manage my time differently. I spent endless hours on the court, in front of books and commuting. Nevertheless, I set a life goal to work so hard that one day I can also be a good helping hand to other people who are less privileged than me, the same way ACS acted upon me. Therefore, I especially want to thank Dr. Gialamas and Ms. Annie Constantinides, who believed in me and was always by my side whenever I needed it. I want to thank Mr. Stelios Kalogridakis for always helping me throughout my academic and not only, experience and huge thanks to the rest of the ACS team that believed in me more than I would ever myself do. Last but not least, words can not fully describe my appreciation and thankfulness to Dr. Anastasios Kaburakis from NOMOS and his wife Kristin Folkl for their unconditional guidance on my journey to my “American dream” and for always believing in me no matter what. These people truly standed out as “parents”, as they were able to teach me values that I would not otherwise gain and therefore constantly making me a better person each and every day. Finally, I would like to thank the University of California, Berkeley and the staff of the women’s basketball team for believing in me and giving me a chance to make an impact on their own basketball and academic community. Ultimately, our journeys in life are not meant to be easy. However, I learned from my parents that the most powerful people are the ones who empower others. They channeled their energy into making me a better person, I am willing to do the same, not only with my own children but with less fortunate people. By working hard I know that everyone can impact others positively, and contribute to people’s well-being, so they too can value the small pleasures of life that were so deeply embedded in me from something called “family”.
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Amerika’da hem egitimime devam edip hem de D1 seviyesinde voleybol oynama hayalimi gerceklestirme yolunda ilk adimimi attim. Bu surecte, hazirladiklari organizasyonla koclarla yuz yuze tanisma ve konusma firsatini bana sagladiklari ve bu yolda bana destek olduklari icin NOMOS ailesine cok tesekkur ediyorum.
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That year, Izmir in Turkey was the champion. In 2012, Rota College High School gave a 4-year scholarship for my high school education. This way I was transferred there. I played for 5 years in the School team and the 1st League team. I’ve had many championships in Turkey both with school and club team. I was invited three times and joined Turkey’s national team. In Turkey, women's volleyball is a very successful sport. There is a league of high quality and very competitive. Our club and national teams get to do very well internationally. My US adventure started when Nomos LLC called me and invited me to the European Volleyball Exposure (EVE) Camp in Greece. It was a beautiful camp and my USA adventure started. I was very excited to reach my dreams. My expectation about college sports in the USA... I wanted to get good training and improve myself more in volleyball by working hard. The Big 12 league we play here is a very high quality and competitive league. Nomos LLC, I first recognized in the internet, FB, Whatsapp, and Instagram. Looking at US schools, my choice was influenced by the quality of the league played. Voleybola 2008 yılında başladım.İZMİR Arkas spor klübünde 4 yıl voleybol oynadım.Klüp tişörtlerimizin arkasında(Herşey hayal etmekle başlar)yazıyordu.Benimde hayalim o zaman başladı.Yurt dışında eğitim görmek ve çok sevdiğim voleybol sporunu yapmak.Bunu başarabilmek için her zaman çok çalıştım.Yılmadan,bıkmadan yorulmadan hep çalıştım.4 yıl hep İzmir şampiyonu olduk.İzmir karmasına seçildim.O yıl İzmir karmasıyla Türkiye şampiyonu olduk.2012 yılında Rota Koleji lise eğitimim için 4 yıl burs verdi.Bende oraya transfer oldum.Okul takımı ve 1.lig takımında 5 yıl oynadım.Okul ve klüp takımında birçok Türkiye dereceleri ve şampiyonluklar yaşadım.Üç defa Türkiye milli takımına davet edildim ve katıldım. Türkiye de voleybol bayanlarda oldukça başarılı bir spor dalıdır.Çok kaliteli ve çekişmeli bir lig bulunmaktadır.Klüp ve milli takımlarımız iyi dereceler almaktadır. Benim ABD maceram Nomos llc.beni arayarak Yunanistan da yapılacak Avrupa voleybol kampına davet ile başladı.Güzel bir kamp ve sonrasında ABD maceram başlamış oldu.Çok istediğim hayallerime ulaşıyor olmak çok heyecanlıydı. ABD deki kolej sporları ile ilgili beklentim; güzel bir eğitim almak ve çok çalişarak voleybolda kendimi daha çok geliştirmek istiyorum.Burada oynadığımız Big 12 ligi çok kaliteli ve çekişmeli bir lig.Güzel ve mücadele dolu kaliteli maçlar yapıyoruz.Taraftarlarımız tüm maçlarımızda bizi yalnız bırakmıyorlar. Nomos u ben internette istagram ve watsap ortamında ilk tanıdım.Bana ilk oradan ulaşım sağlandı. EVE ile ilk Yunanistan kampında tanıştım.Beni oraya ilk gittiğimden itibaren çok iyi karşıladılar.Kamp çok güzel tam bir aile ortamı içinde geçti.Kendimi hiç yalnız hissetmedim.Çünkü onlar herzaman yanımdaydılar Çok yakından ilgilendiler.Oradaki her türlü ihtiyacımı (konaklama,yemek,ulaşım vs.)karşıladılar.Çok güzel insanlar ve arkadaşlarla tanıştım.Herkeze çok teşekkür etmek isterim. ABD deki okullara bakarken;okulun bana verdiği imkanlarına bir de okul takımının oynadığı ligin kalitesi benim tercihimde etkili olmuştur. TCU da benim en çok hoşuma giden;bana ilk geldiğim günden itibaren koçlarımın ve takım arkadaşlarımın bana gösterdiği ilgi alaka her konuda bana yardımcı olmaları beni çok mutlu etti.Daha çabuk adapte olmamı sağladı.Hepsini çok seviyorum ve başarılı olabilmek için daha çok çalışıyorum.Hoşçakalın. My America adventure first started when I participated in Nomos’ European Volleyball Exposure camp. Everyone on the Nomos' team helped me a lot and took care of me and the other players the whole time. I am very grateful to the Nomos team. We had so much fun with other girls on and off of the court. We had great training. Those 4 days were awesome. This camp has changed my life and dreams. It put me on the right path and helped me get to the US. I am so happy to commit to Texas Christian University. I cannot thank you all enough. I appreciate everything.
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Το Βολει υπήρξε ανέκαθεν η μεγάλη αγάπη της ελενας. Το να πάει όμως στην Αμερική με 100% υποτροφία, να παίξει βόλεϊ και να σπουδάσει εκεί, δεν το είχαμε φανταστεί, ώσπου μας ενημέρωσε ο κύριος Καμπουράκης ότι δεν είναι ένα άπιαστο όνειρο και με σωστή δουλειά από την ίδια αλλά και με την σωστή καθοδήγηση από τον ίδιο και την ομάδα του το όνειρο αυτό μπορεί να γίνει πραγματικότητα. Κι όντως έγινε! Ο Τάσος και η Kristin ήταν κοντά μας σε όλη την διαδρομή και εξακολουθούν να είναι όποτε τους χρειαστούμε. Είναι άνθρωποι που καταλαβαίνουν και λύνουν όλες μας τις απορίες, ανησυχίες και αμφιβολίες που μπορεί να γεννηθούν στο δρόμο! Τους νιώθουμε οικογένεια, σας ευχαριστούμε για όλα!! Συνεχίστε αυτή τη σπουδαία δουλειά που κάνετε για όλα τα παιδιά του κόσμου.. Σας έχουνε ανάγκη! Χρήστος Μπακας, Εφη Τσελεκιδου, γονείς της Ελενας Μπακα |
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I decided to pursue opportunities in the US on my own but things turned out to be harder than I imagined. It was like going down a road blindfolded. No directions or guidelines in an unknown territory. I knew that basketball won't be there for me in 20 years, that's why I wanted a degree from one of the best Universities in the US. I knew I needed someone to lead me through this pathway, and the name of this someone was Tassos Kaburakis. Tassos was by my side when I needed an ally to fight for my dreams. Out of the blue everything seemed possible. Nomos arranged and guided me through multiple official visits until I found my dream team at the University of California, Berkeley. It was very challenging that after a 20 hour flight I had to jump in the court and give my 100%, because I knew that this would be the only chance to prove myself. Tassos was always there for me, giving me tips on what the coaches where looking for. Trusting him as much as I do makes any environment feel safe. I am grateful for crossing paths with Tassos and while abroad I will always feel like having a close friend looking over my shoulder.
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I want to express my gratitude to Dr. Kaburakis and to his wife, the legendary athlete Kristin Folkl and to all people involved who contributed to make this happen.
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Due to many personal acquaintances from my years in the U.S., by December 2016 we were down to the final list of High Schools we had to decide for Dimitris... But a Christmas nameday telephone call from beloved Peter Tzelalis came to turn things upside down... "Christos, don't take any final decision before you guys speak with Dr. Kaburakis and NOMOS LLC, about other possible alternatives...". And that weekend, I was convinced to trust my son's U.S. student athlete career to Tassos. Ever since, I admire the man's loyalty and dedication to this sacred task of his, to bring the best possible academic and athletic opportunities for the kids and their families. So many nights I caught him not sleeping late a.m. hours in order to grasp the right case for a NOMOS LLC student athlete project... Tassos never sees families as clients... He treasures the fact that our son's or daughter's future is in his hands absolutely! In other words he is the personification of the - tough to interpret- Greek word "philotimo". So, two years have gone by and Dimitris spent his last two years of High School at Whitfield School, Saint Louis, MO, where he was nurtured by his wonderful loving host families he stayed with. Graduated from one of the toughest academic Prep Schools of the U.S. while he played for a basketball team which had gone for two consecutive years in the state finals, while head coach Mike Potsou was named Missouri Coach Of The Year in 2017! Finally, Dimitris' and Tassos' prize for all their common immense efforts came in March of 2019 when Dimitris decided to accept Simpson University's scholarship offer to continue his student athlete career on the college level now. Many thanks to Dr. Tassos Kaburakis, to his wife, the legendary Kristin Folkl and to the rest of the fabulous NOMOS LLC staff for this unprecedented projection and support towards my son Dimitris Margelis. God bless them!
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I wanted this, I dreamed, I believed, I fought hard, and with a great deal of patience I made it! I thank my family for their support, all my friends for standing by me, and from my heart Tassos Kaburakis for the great help. Bethany College here I come! Θέλησα, ονειρεύτηκα, πίστεψα, πάλεψα με μεγάλη υπομονή τα κατάφερα. Ευχαριστώ την οικογένεια μου για την υποστήριξη και όλους μου τους φίλους που στάθηκαν δίπλα μου και από καρδιάς τον Τάσο Καμπουράκη για την μεγάλη βοήθεια .Bethany college (NCAA) Here I come .
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We are grateful because from the beginning Tassos, with his knowledge and vast experience, encouraged, advised, and provided the right guidance to our child. It is also noteworthy that at any time we needed his help, he was present to inform us and solve any problem or question we had. For those of us whose children are so far away from our country, it is very important to know that at all times, there is a person of confidence capable of helping with anything that happens. We wish all the best to the entire NOMOS team as well as personally to Tassos and his family, we wish you health and always success on a personal and professional level! Yours sincerely,
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So I reached the decision that I wanted to continue to study and play volleyball at a high level and I knew that the best place to combine both is in the USA. After many long and overnight discussions with Mr. Tassos, Kristin Folkl, and my family that I will never forget and after getting myself at the transfer portal, I restarted my recruiting process. After months and a lot of hard work both academically and athletically, I decided that the best fit for me to continue pursuing my academic and athletic collegiate career would be Bradley University. Being here for the last three weeks, I can easily say there is no doubt that I made the right decision because it seems to be way better from my previous school and I hope that I graduate with a bachelor’s degree from such a good academic university. I had the privilege of getting to know Dr. Kaburakis while I was in an extremely significant point in my life. I had the goal of getting a volleyball scholarship in the United States in order to study and play volleyball in Division 1. I did not know almost anything about this process and he was the right person to help me. His deep knowledge about the NCAA rules and his unconditional support make him the person that I recommend to every student athlete who wants to study and play volleyball abroad. Living that far from your home and family to make your dreams come true, you can understand how blessed you should feel for everything that happens in your life .When you come across to a different continent, you do not expect from people who are not related to you to care. Mr. Tassos helped me greatly this past year and gave me a lot of support and motivation to improve. His counsel and advice is precious and all individuals who have the opportunity to work with him are truly lucky. We have been through tough situations that we will both remember and cherish for the rest of our lives. Just to think about how much time and effort he puts into helping others while being a father, professor, business man, a friend, and a lawyer is truly remarkable. None of this would have happened without him. I consider him part of my family and I am proud to do so. Dr. Tassos Kaburakis is the most ideal person for anybody who wants to chase his/her American dream. He will always be next to you, as a best friend, as a father. Mr. Tassos, I truly owe you so much! What you have done for me and my family is something that I will never forget! Thank you for everything !!!
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As an athlete and a father of two kids, my dream was always for them to succeed in a sport of their choice, daydreaming that one day they would achieve something special through all of their hard work. This dream became a reality with my daughter Ioanna, a girl from a small hometown in Greece which was motivated and skilled enough to win a scholarship at Long Beach University in California. But of course this wouldn't have happened without the help of a incredible person Mr. Tasos Kaburakis from NOMOS and Mrs. Kristin and I am truly thankful for helping make this dream come true. At last I can't wait what the future still holds for her and my son.
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Λίγες μέρες πριν ξεκινήσει το μαγικό ταξίδι για την California και το Simpson University θέλω να ευχαριστήσω μέσα απ’ την καρδιά μου τον Τάσο Καμπουράκη και όλη την ομάδα της Nomos. Η εμπειρία που είχα όλο αυτό τον καιρό στην συνεργασία που είχαμε με την Nomos και τον Τάσο ήταν μοναδική ,η βοήθεια του ήτανε ότι καλύτερο θα μπορούσα να έχω στην προσπάθεια μου αυτή. Άρχικά ο Τάσος πίστεψε σε μένα. Πίστεψε στην αθλητική μου αξία αλλά και στην ακαδημαϊκή μου αξία. Με βοήθησε να καταλάβω όλη την αμερικανική νοοτροπία και να συγκεντρώσω όλα αυτά τα στοιχεία που χρειαζόντουσαν για να μπορέσω να καταφέρω το όνειρο αυτό . Ευχαριστώ τον Τάσο Καμπουράκη και την εταιρεία Nomos πάρα πολύ για όλα αυτά που έκανε για μένα. Η συνεργασία μας και επαφή μας συνεχίζονται στο μέλλον...
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It was a big dream for everybody and especially for Nikos to pursue the US. A dream that came true starting with him believing in himself and his abilities, but also from the presence of and the support from some people that helped him and benefited him incredibly. The key person who played a major role in this process was Tassos Kaburakis with his team at NOMOS LLC. He believed in my son and his abilities, his values and work ethic. He made everybody think that this is something that could be realized. He helped us understand the American reality, followed up with all necessary actions, and most importantly gave us courage despite all the difficulties. Everybody felt his positive spirit and I consider him a benefactor for providing opportunities to young student athletes for a better and brighter future. Believing in this tough journey is something that I appreciate and will be grateful for the rest of my life. We are blessed to have such an amazing team around our son. Thank you wholeheartedly, I hope you are always well, and may God give you and your families health and all that is good. A huge THANKS.
Το εγχείρημα για το μέλλον του Νίκου, ήταν για όλους μας, ένα μεγάλο όνειρο. Ένα όνειρο που πραγματοποιείται αρχικά από την πίστη του Νίκου, και επίσης από την παρουσία και την στήριξη κάποιων ανθρώπων που τον βοήθησαν και τον ευεργέτησαν απίστευτα. Όμως, ο άνθρωπος κλειδί γι όλα αυτά είναι ο Τάσος Καμπουράκης και η Nomos. O Τάσος αρχικά πίστεψε πολύ στον Νίκο και τις δυνατότητες του, τις αξίες και το ήθος του. Μας έκανε να πιστέψουμε ότι μπορούμε να το καταφέρουμε. Μας βοήθησε να κατανοήσουμε την Αμερικάνικη πραγματικότητα, να κάνουμε όλες αυτές τις κινήσεις που έπρεπε, αλλά κυρίως να μην απογοητευόμαστε στις όποιες δυσκολίες υπήρξαν. Τον θεωρώ ευεργέτη για όλα αυτά τα παιδιά, στα οποία άνοιξε ένα φωτεινό δρόμο για το μέλλον τους. Η βοήθεια του είναι πολύ μεγάλη, σε όλα τα επίπεδα και θα είμαστε ευγνώμονες γι΄αυτό για μια ζωή. Σας ευχαριστώ όλους από καρδιάς, εύχομαι να είστε πάντα καλά και ο Θεός να σας δίνει υγεία και κάθε καλό σε σας και τις οικογένειες σας. Θερμούς χαιρετισμούς και ένα μεγάλο ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ.
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Ήταν πριν περίπου μισό χρόνο οταν μετά από ένα τυχαίο γεγονός συναντηθήκαμε με το nomos και τον Τάσσο Καμπουράκη και βρεθήκαμε να σκεφτόμαστε το ενδεχόμενο να σπουδάσει και να συνεχίσει το μπάσκετ η κόρη μας στην Αμερική. Ένα όνειρο που μπόρεσε να πραγματοποιηθει μέσα από την οικογένεια του Nomos σε όλη την υπόλοιπη προσπάθεια του παιδιού είχαμε την αμέριστη υποστήριξη αλλά και ψυχολογική βοήθεια τόσο προς εμάς όσο και στην Χριστίνα...το όνειρο πήρε σάρκα και οστά..βρεθήκαμε στην Αμερική και γίναμε δεκτοί στο Manhattan college και τώρα είμαστε έτοιμοι να ανοίξει τα φτερά του το παιδί μας και να γίνουν τα όνειρα του πραγματικότητα. Αισθανόμαστε ως γονείς ευλογημένοι και με τη βοήθεια του Τάσου και της ομάδας του που είναι πάντα δίπλα στο παιδί από την αρχή ως το τέλος αισθάνομαι σιγουριά αλλά και πίστη για το καλύτερο μέλλον της κόρης μας. Σας ευχαριστούμε για την ευκαιρία.
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Θέλω να σας ευχαριστήσω που δίνετε το δικαίωμα και την ευκαιρία σε νέα παιδιά αλλά και στους γονείς τους παράλληλα να ζήσουν το όνειρο τους μέσα από αυτά !!!! Είναι σημαντικό να νιώθεις ότι την αγωνία σου για το μέλλον του παιδιού σου μπορείς να την μοιράζεσαι με υπέροχους ανθρώπους δίπλα σου όπως ο Τάσος Καμπουράκης , η Kristin Folkl, Aris Zafeiratos. Είμαι πραγματικά ευγνώμων που βοηθήσατε την Έλενα μέσα από ένα ομολογουμένως ιδιαίτερο και δύσκολο ταξίδι να δακρύσει από χαρά!!! Να είσαστε καλά να συνεχίζετε το υπέροχο αυτό έργο σας και μέσα από αυτό να δημιουργείτε ολοκληρωμένους ανθρώπους με φιλοδοξίες και στόχους στην ζωή τους!!! Σας ευχαριστώ και πάλι μέσα απ την καρδιά μου!!!!
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Bu yola çıkarken her şey o kadar zor görünüyordu ki. Tamamen bir bilinmezliğe doğru yola çıkıyorduk. ABD’de okumak, yaşamak kadar orada sporcu olmak konusunda da hiç bir bilgimiz yoktu. Ancak, sevgili Tassos ve eşi Kristin ile tanışınca birden hayat bizim için daha kolay olmaya başladı. Bunun çok uzun, meşakkatli ve zor bir yolculuk olacağıni tahmin ediyorduk. Ama, gerek Tassos gerekse de Kristin’in sıcak ve samimi yaklaşımları bu yolda bizi çok daha güvenli ve rahat hissettirdi. Tassos’un bana tüm sıcaklığı ve samimiyetiyle “Kardeş” olarak hitap etmesi bunun bir örneğiydi. Bu içten ve sıcak davranışları, profesyonellikten daha değerliydi benim ve oğlum için. Bu uzun süre zarfında her ikisi de gece gündüz çok fazla çaba sarfettiler oğlum için. Hem akademik anlamda, hem de sportif olarak en iyi okullarla ve koçlarla görüştürdüler oğlumu. Mutlu sonla biten bu yolculuk bizler için çok heyecan verici ve bir o kadar da keyifliydi. Bu yolculuğun başlamasını sağlayan ve bizleri Tassos-Kristin ile tanıştıran Sayın İrfan Yücesoy’a gerçekten minnettarım. Ayrıca, ABD seyahatimizin güzel ve rahat geçmesini sağlayan, bizi en iyi şekilde konuk eden Koç Barron ve ailesine ve tüm teknik ekibe de çok çok teşekkür ediyorum. Gerçekten çok iyi insanlar. Maine Üniversitesinin ve Blackbears takımının oğlum Ata için iyi ve doğru bir seçim olduğunu düşünüyorum. Umarım oğlum, ABD’de de bulunduğu süre içerisinde hayallerini en iyi şekilde gerçekleştirecektir. Bunun için Allah’a her zaman dua ediyorum ve şükrediyorum.
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My daughter Nafsika had a dream. To live in a country where values are meaningful and where the best and hardest-working progress. Three years ago we were very fortunate to discuss with Dr. Tassos Kaburakis in regard to Nafsika’s dream. She was 15 years-old at that time. He committed to helping her fulfil her dream. He welcomed her to the Nomos family and posited that there was no reason for Nafsika to wait and finish high school in Greece. So the following year, when Nafsika was 16 years old, Nomos helped her transition to the US so she could finish her last two years of high school and continue with volleyball en route to university. I will try to briefly summarize how my daughter benefitted by choosing this path: She gained the experience of moving to the US at age 16, thus adapting early on to the American way of life and work. She earned respect due to her labor and her fighting spirit, and understood that in the US the best will play on the team and not the ones who have a way to game the system. She benefitted by preparing a strong academic resume, considering she graduated from an excellent and highly respected high school with national reputation. She earned a serious 2-year professional orientation, leading to her realizing that what she wanted to study when she was back in Greece had no relation to her capabilities. She gained the knowledge of how to work in school and on her team with the American team mentality. One for all and all for one. She won the high school championship with her high school volleyball team. Through daily 4-hour practices (on her club volleyball team) and 9-hours on holidays, she was able to turn from a promising (yet average for US standards) middle to a very good by US standards outside/opposite hitter. This was considered impossible by almost all her coaches in Greece. She earned an outstanding GPA on her American high school degree, which was important for her university selection. She scored exceptionally high in her SATs, without private lessons, without stress, and without killing herself over homework. She earned the opportunity to entertain offers from over 50 top universities (with full scholarships) and select the one that suits her better academically and athletically. Through the Nomos way of managing Nafsika’s progress and by competing for the junior national championship volleyball club (also due to Nomos’ pathways), she had all university coaches’ eyes on her. Finally, so I do not belabor further, she earned her acceptance at one of the best universities in the world in the field she wants to study. All this and much more she gained for two main reasons: First because she wanted it so much and worked hard for it. However, this alone in Greece would not be enough. And here’s where the second reason comes in; because she run into the Nomos family, who welcomed her as a 16-year old kid, opened the door to the US, and guided her with precision and security to the university that a couple of years ago had won a national championship. My debt to the Nomos family (Tassos, Kristin, Nikos and all the other colleagues) is lifelong. I promise that as long as I am healthy I will be next to them and their family, to help them in turn with all my power with anything they may need. Thank you Tassos.
Η κόρη μου, η Ναυσικά είχε ένα όνειρο. Να ζήσει μία ζωή σε μία χώρα που οι αξίες έχουν τη σημασία τους και που προοδεύει ο καλύτερος και αυτός που εργάζεται. Πριν από 3 χρόνια είχαμε την μεγάλη τύχη να συζητήσουμε με τον Dr. Τάσο Καμπουράκη σχετικά με το όνειρο της Ναυσικάς. Τότε ήταν 15 χρονών. Μου υποσχέθηκε λοιπόν ότι μπορούσε να την βοηθήσει να εκπληρώσει το όνειρό της. Την ενέταξε στην οικογένεια της NOMOS και εισηγήθηκε ότι δεν υπήρχε κανένας λόγος να περιμένει η Ναυσικά να τελειώσει το λύκειο στην Ελλάδα. Έτσι την επόμενη χρονιά, που η Ναυσικά ήταν 16 χρονών, την «πήρε» στις ΗΠΑ, για να τελειώσει εκεί τις 2 τελευταίες τάξεις του Λυκείου και να συνεχίσει με το βόλεϊ και το πανεπιστήμιο. Θα προσπαθήσω να γράψω εν συντομία τι κέρδισε το δικό μου παιδί από αυτήν την επιλογή. Κέρδισε το ότι πήγε στα 16 στις ΗΠΑ και προσαρμόστηκε σε μικρότερη ηλικία στον αμερικάνικο τρόπο ζωής και λειτουργίας. Κέρδισε το σεβασμό στον κόπο της και τον αγώνα της, καθώς αντιλήφθηκε ότι στις ΗΠΑ παίζει στην ομάδα ο καλύτερος και όχι αυτός που έχει το μέσον. Κέρδισε στο ακαδημαϊκό βιογραφικό της, ότι τελείωσε ένα πολύ σοβαρό και αξιόπιστο σχολείο με φήμη σε ολόκληρες τις ΗΠΑ. Κέρδισε ότι εκεί έκανε επί 2 χρόνια έναν πολύ σοβαρό επαγγελματικό προσανατολισμό με αποτέλεσμα να κατανοήσει ότι αυτό που ήθελε να σπουδάσει όταν ήταν στην Ελλάδα δεν είχε καμία σχέση με τις δεξιότητές της. Κέρδισε ότι έμαθε να δουλεύει και στην ομάδα και στο σχολείο στην αμερικάνικη ομαδική λογική. Ένας για όλους και όλοι για έναν. Κέρδισε με την σχολική ομάδα του βόλεϊ το μαθητικό πρωτάθλημα. Κέρδισε με το 4ωρο καθημερινό πρόγραμμα προπονήσεων στην ομάδα της (στο sports performance) και 9ωρο στις αργίες, ότι ένας πολλά υποσχόμενος (αλλά μέτριος για τις ΗΠΑ) κεντρικός στην Ελλάδα μπορεί να γίνει ένας πολύ καλός για τα αμερικάνικα επίπεδα ακραίος – διαγώνιος. Που αυτό στην Ελλάδα θεωρούνταν από όλους σχεδόν τους προπονητές της αδύνατον. Κέρδισε έναν άριστο τελικό βαθμό στο αμερικάνικο απολυτήριό της, καθώς αυτό μετρούσε για την επιλογή του πανεπιστημίου της. Κέρδισε έναν εξαιρετικό βαθμό στα SAT, χωρίς φροντιστήριο, χωρίς άγχος και χωρίς ιδιαίτερο διάβασμα. Κέρδισε την δυνατότητα να δεχτεί προτάσεις από πάνω από 50 κορυφαία πανεπιστήμια (με 100% υποτροφία) και να επιλέξει αυτό που της ταίριαζε περισσότερο και ακαδημαϊκά και αθλητικά. Γιατί με τον τρόπο που διαχειρίστηκε την πορεία της Ναυσικάς η οικογένεια της NOMOS και με το να αγωνίζεται στην πρωταθλήτρια των ΗΠΑ στο γυναικείο βόλεϊ (που και σε αυτό η NOMOS άνοιξε τον δρόμο), ήταν στραμμένα επάνω της τα μάτια όλων των πανεπιστημίων. Και τέλος, για να μην κουράζω περισσότερο, κέρδισε την εισαγωγή της σε ένα από τα καλύτερα πανεπιστήμια στον κόσμο στην ειδικότητα που θέλει να σπουδάσει. Όλα αυτά και πολλά ακόμη τα κέρδισε για 2 λόγους. Ο ένας ήταν γιατί το ήθελε πολύ και το δούλεψε. Αυτό όμως στην Ελλάδα δεν θα έφτανε. Και εδώ έρχεται ο 2ος λόγος. Ότι βρέθηκε στο δρόμο της η οικογένεια της NOMOS που την πήρε παιδάκι 16 χρονών, της άνοιξε την πόρτα των ΗΠΑ και την οδήγησε με ακρίβεια και ασφάλεια στο πανεπιστήμιο που τα 4 τελευταία χρόνια έχει κατακτήσει τίτλους περιφέρειας, έχει φτάσει στους τελικούς και πριν 2 χρόνια είχε πάρει και το παναμερικανικό πρωτάθλημα. Η υποχρέωση που έχω στην οικογένεια της NOMOS (Τάσος, Κριστίν, Νίκος και όλους τους άλλους συνεργάτες) δεν νομίζω ότι θα βγει σε αυτήν την ζωή. Υπόσχομαι όμως ότι θα είμαι, όσο είμαι γερός, δίπλα τους και σε όλη την οικογένειά τους, να τους βοηθήσω με όλες μου τις δυνάμεις σε ότι χρειαστούν. Thank you Tasos
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Especially you, Mr. Tasos, your dedication and encouragement have brought significant changes to my life. I cannot stress enough how grateful I am for your guidance which has offered me a once in a lifetime opportunity. Because of you, I will be studying at the university of Texas Rio Grande Valley and play volleyball at a top 75 programme. So far, I had no family at all in the US and ever since I met you and Kristin, I feel confident enough that you will always be there for me and that you will serve as my Greek family in the years to come. Any athlete who is under your guidance is privileged, as they not only have a consultant about US universities, but also a friend who stands by them and supports them constantly and a father figure who pushes them harder day by day to pursue their goals. Thank you for everything you have done for me!
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When our daughter was starting 10th grade she decided that the US would be her higher education destination. Initially researching and asking her American teammates, we realized that things were not as simple. Thus we found out Tasso and his unbelievable Nomos team. Aris Zafeiratos, Nikos Zinas, Kristin Folkl... After almost 2½ years, Ioanna is a step from the airplane gate that leads to the land of the dream. The beginning was difficult, full of questions, doubt, and uncertainty. Every step of the way, at every uphill battle, she had next to her an advisor, a friend guiding her, counseling but at the same time showing her the way to reach the right decision on her own. The team was always there, answer every question, ease our concern, feel our hardship, and share in our joy. So far, yet so close at heart. Everything according to plan, nothing left to chance. Our daughter will spread her wings and fly really far away. I don't know how she'll be when she comes back... if she comes back... I know though that she will study what she wants, and will continue to play the sport she loves. For the next four years I will not worry about whether the university will hold exams or not, if there will be some group occupying university grounds and not allowing classes to take place, if there is some rogue odd instructor not allowing her to get her degree, if she gets injured who'll cover her therapy and rehab, which team she should play for and whether that team will have a trainer and conditioning coach. And even if something goes wrong, I know that so far away she'll have someone who'll run and help her even if he's not her dad. Someone who cares although he's not her uncle. That someone is Tassos Kaburakis.
Όταν η κόρη μας ξεκίναγε την 1η Λυκείου αποφάσισε ότι η Αμερική θα ήταν ο τόπος σπουδών της. Ψάχνοντας βοήθεια πρώτα από τις Αμερικάνες συμπαίκτριες που είχε, συνειδητοποιήσαμε ότι τα πράγματα δεν ήταν καθόλου απλά. Κάπως έτσι ανακαλύψαμε την ύπαρξη του Τάσου και της απίστευτης ομάδας του, που απαρτίζουν το NOMOS. Άρης Ζαφειράτος, Νίκος Ζήνας, Kristin Folkl. Μετά από σχεδόν 2 ½ χρόνια, η Ιωάννα βρίσκεται ένα βήμα πριν την πόρτα του αεροπλάνου που οδηγεί στη γη του ονείρου. Η αρχή ήταν δύσκολη, γεμάτη απορίες, αμφιβολίες και ανασφάλειες. Σε κάθε βήμα όμως, σε κάθε ανηφόρα είχε δίπλα της έναν σύμβουλο, έναν φίλο που την καθοδηγούσε, την συμβούλευε αλλά ταυτόχρονα της έδειχνε το δρόμο να πάρει τη σωστή απόφαση μόνη της. Ήταν εκεί, να απαντήσει σε κάθε ερώτημα δικό μας, να καθησυχάσει τις αγωνίες μας, να νιώσει την δυσκολία μας, να χαρεί μαζί μας. Τόσο μακριά, αλλά πάντα τόσο κοντά! Όλα βάσει σχεδίου, τίποτα στην τύχη. Το παιδί μας θα ανοίξει τα φτερά του και θα πετάξει πολύ μακριά. Δεν ξέρω πως θα είναι όταν γυρίσει, αν γυρίσει… Ξέρω όμως ότι θα σπουδάσει αυτό που θέλει και θα συνεχίζει να παίζει το άθλημα που αγαπάει. Για τα επόμενα τέσσερα χρόνια δεν θα ανησυχώ αν θα γίνουν οι εξετάσεις των πανεπιστημίων ή θα έχουν καταλήψεις, αν θα υπάρχει κάποιος στριμμένος καθηγητής να μην μπορεί να πάρει πτυχίο, αν τραυματιστεί ποιος θα καλύψει τις θεραπείες, σε ποια ομάδα θα παίξει και αν θα έχει γυμναστή για βάρη η ομάδα της. Ακόμα και αν όμως κάτι πάει στραβά, ξέρω πως εκεί μακριά θα έχει κάποιον που θα τρέξει κι ας μην είναι ο μπαμπάς της. Κάποιον που θα νοιαστεί κι ας μην είναι ο Θείος της. Ο κάποιος έχει όνομα. Τάσος Καμπουράκης.
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Παρόλη τη διαφορά ωρών μεταξύ μας ο Κ. Καμπουράκης ήταν πάντα ετοιμος και πρόθυμος να μας βοηθήσει. Τον εμπιστεύομαι να κάνει το καλύτερο για την κόρη μου. Ευχαριστώ αυτόν και την ομάδα του Nomos θερμά που στάθηκαν στο πλάι της κόρης μου σε αυτό το δύσκολο αλλά υπέροχο ταξίδι.
Despite the time difference Mr. Kaburakis was always ready and willing to help us. I trust him to do the best for my daughter. I warmly thank him and the Nomos team for standing by my daughter in this difficult yet wonderful journey.
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A year ago I met Mr. Tassos, the moment I needed him and I was looking for a person to help me on this whole journey. He gave me the best advice and always spoke to me honestly. He helped me to fulfill my dream, my studies, and playing basketball in U.S.A . I feel very blessed that I found Mr.Tassos and he helped me as much as he could! I also want to thank Christina Koursari who was next to me and helped me equally. I have no words to express my feelings about Mr.Kaburakis. I do not even know if a ''thank you'' is enough.
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![]() My time with Nomos has been the most memorable for me. It was my first interaction with a team of professionals and this gave me valuable experience and knowledge on what the world of professional sports is all about. I felt safe to be part of this team since they gave me their full support under every circumstances. I would like to express my gratitude specifically to Mr Aris Zafeiratos first of all for including me in the team. Following him Mrs Maria Kalara and Mr Tassos for their psychological support and their prompt reply to every question or difficulty that I might have.
Thank you all for this precious year which I will cherish for the rest of my life.
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![]() I cannot believe that next year I will be in the U.S. and accomplishing my dream. It was a huge desire for me to play volleyball and study abroad at a high level. A year ago I had started the whole process on my own, but it did not work as I believed it could. Halfway through this year I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Tassos, his wife Ms. Kristin and the entire Nomos family. For the first time in my life I felt that this process with them will definitely succeed. From the day I started working with Mr. Tassos and his great team I felt very sure and aware that I will be getting a full scholarship at one of my first options, a great university in the U.S. Working hard for the little time that we had, many good offers came, and I think that I made the best choice and that's because of them. Now, as a Wildcat for my next four years I can’t describe in any words how blessed I feel that I got to know Mr. Tassos and I will always be grateful for his help. I am sure that we will have a great relationship in the future. I am looking forward to taking my next big step of my life at Villanova University. Thank you very much.
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It was a life dream for Anastasia to receive 100% scholarship and attend a high-caliber university with high-level volleyball, in Division I! We started the process on our own but we faced many difficulties. Time was passing and pressure was increasing. We did not know where we erred and we did not have the desired result. At this difficult time Tassos Kaburakis and his Nomos team came to the rescue! The communication with him was genuine, human. He was supportive, reassuring, honest. He was guiding us step-by-step, with calmness and certainty. The cooperation was very professional as his experience is great. That was evident early on, when in a matter of a couple of days after we communicated with him Anastasia started receiving several offers from universities. Tassos, Kristin, and their Nomos team overcame all obstacles and in a very short time Anastasia signed with the first university of her choice. Her dream was realized! I wholeheartedly thank Tasso and his colleagues and wish them all the best for their families! I hope you continue to help children accomplish their goals and realize their dreams!
Ήταν ένα όνειρο ζωής για την Αναστασία να πάρει υποτροφία 100% και να σπουδάσει σε ένα πανεπιστήμιο ψηλά ακαδημαϊκά και υψηλού επιπέδου βόλει (κατηγορίας D1) !!! Ξεκινήσαμε τη διαδικασία μόνοι μας αλλά αντιμετωπίσαμε πολλές δυσκολίες. Ο χρόνος περνούσε και η πίεση ήταν μεγάλη. Δεν ξέραμε που είχαμε κάνει λάθος και δεν είχαμε το επιθυμητό αποτέλεσμα. Στην δύσκολη αυτή στιγμή βρέθηκε στο δρόμο μας ο Τάσος Καμπουράκης με την ομάδα του Nomos! Η επικοινωνία μαζί του ήταν ανθρώπινη. Ήταν υποστηρικτικός, καθησυχαστικός, ειλικρινής. Μας καθοδηγούσε βήμα-βήμα με ηρεμία και σιγουριά. Η συνεργασία πολύ επαγγελματική γιατί η εμπειρία του είναι μεγάλη. Αυτό φάνηκε αμέσως όταν μόλις σε δύο μέρες μετά την επικοινωνία μας κατάφερε να έχει η Αναστασία πολλές προτάσεις από πανεπιστήμια! Ο Τάσος, η Kristin και η ομάδα του Nomos προσπέρασαν όλα τα εμπόδια και σε μικρό χρονικό διάστημα η Αναστασία υπέγραψε στο πρώτο πανεπιστήμιο της επιλογής της. Το όνειρο έγινε πραγματικότητα! Ευχαριστώ πολύ από καρδιάς τον Τάσο και τους συνεργάτες του και τους εύχομαι τα καλύτερα για αυτούς και τις οικογένειές τους! Σας εύχομαι να συνεχίζετε να βοηθάτε τα παιδιά να εκπληρώνουν τους στόχους τους και να πραγματοποιούν τα όνειρά τους
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![]() The first time we heard about Tassos Kaburakis and the “Nomos” team was from Christina Koursari who was always ready to help us. Thank you Christina. Until then we never imagined that our daughter could possibly study and play volleyball in the US. That is what Tassos made possible by working with us for months helping and treating us as if we were his family. Tassos always encouraged and supported Elena, us also, and was always ready to answer our questions. After a thorough search our daughter got a scholarship at a great university “Providence College”. We are really grateful for that wonderful opportunity and hope that Tassos will keep on helping children to accomplish their dreams with such success. It is still unbelievable that Elena is ready to start her new life at Providence College R.I. She always wanted to study and keep on playing volleyball. Thank you very very much Tassos, Kristin and all your team, we wish you the best. We know that you will be there for Elena whenever she needs you.
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Coming to the USA was probably one of the toughest decisions my family and I ever made. Before coming to the USA I lived in London, England for 2 years in order to find a better future for myself and my family . Even though things weren't working out there and it wasn't what I was expecting it to be, I was trying to find a way to do the best I could in order to take the next step. So I reached the decision that I wanted to study and play basketball at a high level and I knew that the best place to combine both is in the USA. Living that far from your home and family to make your dreams come true, you can understand how blessed you should feel for everything that happens in your life .When you come across to a different continent, you do not expect from people who are not related to you to care. Mr. Tassos helped me a lot the past year and gave me lot of support and motivation to improve. The past two years have changed my life, I improved a lot basketball-wise in all aspects and I am the athlete and person that I am now. I feel like we have known each other for years. Few people would care so much about the dream of another student-athlete. He was like my best friend, who never ceased to believe and encourage me. His efforts along with his team were great because he didn’t only help me find a scholarship but he wanted to ensure that I get what it is best for me and considered all of my future options academically and athletically. The thing that I appreciate the most is that this man is clear with his words from the beginning and he will not give anyone false or wrong hopes. Let me tell you that the transition from playing in an academy in Greece then moving to the United Kingdom trying to find a place for a better future and then moving again to the United States was not easy. He was there the whole time and supported everything I was doing like a father for his son. I owe a lot to Mr. Tassos for believing in me right from the very beginning. When everyone was doubting me, he was there giving me motivation to work harder and inspire me. Although I never played on a big team or participated in international events, he trusted his instinct and helped me out. He suggested that I do a prep year first and then move to the collegiate level. Even though I had my doubts, he reassured me that it will help me a lot and increase my opportunities to find a scholarship. He was right and I can easily admit that I had a great experience at Gateway Legacy Prep in Illinois and it helped me a lot to get used to the life and the game here .Mr. Tassos helped me a lot the past year and gave me lot of support and motivation to improve. I feel truly blessed to have the privilege of knowing Dr Kaburakis. A man, a lawyer, a professor, a great mentor and for many, including myself, an excellent friend! His outstanding talent of giving inspiration and motivation through his achievements to young people is something that forced me to want to succeed in life and overcome every challenge I have been faced with. We have been through tough situations that we will both remember and cherish for the rest of our lives. Just to think about how much time and effort he puts into helping others while being a father, professor, business man, a friend, and a lawyer is truly remarkable. None of this would have happened without him. I consider him part of my family and I am proud to do so. Dr Tassos Kaburakis is the most ideal person for anybody who wants to chase his/her American dream. He will always be next to you, as a best friend, as a brother. Mr. Tassos, I truly owe you so much!
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When our daughter began to play volleyball we had no idea, could not even imagine that she might one day study in the US on an athletic scholarship!
About a year ago, when Ariadni expressed her wish to study in the US, it all sounded like an unattainable dream. Everything seemed so difficult! I did not even know that there were people in America who help these kids.
Until we met Tasso Kaburaki! He won us over from our first contact with him! He talked to us as if he knew us for years and made us feel very comfortable and close to him. He responded honestly to all our questions, could tell our stress and tried to ease it and calm us, telling us what a great opportunity it is for Ariadni to take the step she is about to take. This way we understood we can entrust our daughter's future in his capable hands.
So it was. He stood by us like no one else, provided solutions no matter the hardship we faced, and generally he was and is our man in America for our daughter, who always seeks advice from him, because she knows she can count on him. And we now have an invaluable friend!
Of course, I will never forget when Tassos, a few months before Ariadni left for America, told her: "Try to spend as much time as possible with your parents!" He deeply moved me. I realized he was more than just a professional, rather above all a true human being!
Tasso, may God keep you and your beautiful family well, be always smiling and have only success in your life!
Όταν άρχισε η κόρη μας να ασχολείται με το βόλλευ, ούτε που μας περνούσε η ιδέα απο το μυαλό, ούτε που το φανταζόμασταν οτι θα μπορούσε ποτέ να σπουδάσει με αθλητική υποτροφία στις ΗΠΑ! Πρίν ένα χρόνο περίπου, όταν μας εξέφρασε η Αριάδνη την επιθυμία της να σπουδάσει στην Αμερική, σε μένα φάνταζε σαν ένα άπιαστο όνειρο. Μου φαινόταν όλα τόσο δύσκολα! Δεν ήξερα κάν οτι υπάρχουν άνθρωποι στην Αμερική οι οποίοι βοηθούν τα παιδιά αυτά. Μέχρι που γνωρίσαμε τον Τάσο Καμπουράκη! Από την πρώτη επαφή μαζί του, μας κέρδισε! Μιλούσε μαζί μας λες και μας ήξερε χρόνια και μας έκανε να αισθανθούμε πολύ οικεία και άνετα μαζί του. Απαντούσε ειλικρινά σε όλες μας τις ερωτήσεις, μάντευε το άγχος μας και προσπαθούσε να μας ηρεμήσει, λέγοντάς μας πόσο μεγάλη ευκαιρία για την Αριάδνη μας είναι αυτό το βήμα που ετοιμάζεται να κάνει κι έτσι καταλάβαμε πλέον οτι μπορούμε να εμπιστευτούμε το μέλλον του παιδιού μας στα άξια χέρια του. Έτσι κι έγινε. Μας στάθηκε όσο κανείς άλλος, μας έδινε λύσεις σε όσες δυσκολίες αντιμετωπίσαμε και γενικά ήταν και είναι ο άνθρωπός μας στην Αμερική για το παιδί μας. Η κόρη μας τον συμβουλεύεται πάντα, γιατί ξέρει οτι μπορεί να βασιστεί πάνω του κι εμείς έχουμε αποκτήσει έναν ανεκτίμητο φίλο! Βέβαια, δεν θα ξεχάσω ποτέ, όταν ο Τάσος, μερικούς μήνες πρίν φύγει η Αριάδνη για Αμερική της είπε : ‘’Προσπάθησε να περνάς όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερο χρόνο με τους γονείς σου’’! Με συγκίνησε βαθιά. Κατάλαβα οτι δεν είναι απλά ένας επαγγελματίας, αλλά πάνω απ’ όλα οτι είναι Άνθρωπος! Τάσο, ο Θεός να έχει εσένα και την όμορφη οικογένειά σου καλά, να είσαι πάντα έτσι χαμογελαστός και να έχεις μονάχα επιτυχίες στη ζωή σου.
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![]() I owe a lot to Mr. Kabourakis and his wife Kristin, for believing in me right from the very beginning. They believed in me more than a whole bunch of others, and they were always there when things got tough. Although I never played in a big team or participated in nation-wide events, they both trusted their instinct and helped me out. I would not call it a dream, because our meeting was beyond dreaming, really! It was also Mr. Kabourakis who convinced my parents that all this journey to the unknown was worth it and that everything will be fine. Believe me, this was no easy task! Thank God he was right, as he always is. After almost 9 months of hard work and guidance from Mr. Tassos, I finally got accepted, with full athletic scholarship, in NJIT; an amazing academic institution with fascinating athletic record. I’m thrilled and excited, but yet stressed out!!! Words can't really describe how grateful and thankful I am that I got to know this kind and hardworking man. My gift to him will be something I haven’t figured out yet. What I know for sure is that this gift needs to be something on par with what he has done for me. Mr. Tasos, I owe you so much, really.
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Although I met Tassos only a year ago when he invited me to Nomos EVE showcase in Greece, he accepted me as a member of a family. Certainly he taught me a lot about volleyball but one thing that amazed me is the way he believed in me. He fights for each and every one as "his child" and he won't settle until he makes everybody happy. Furthermore, I found what I've been looking for, a school with good education and great volleyball program. This is the summer when all of it begins, I'm going to Towson University. It's a university which has international reputation, excellent volleyball rankings and fascinating staff members. Nomos' organization is a perfect program that gives athletes the opportunity to explore, find themselves, and of course a suitable school. I hope that this is just the beginning of their work because we need more programs and people like this. Thank you for everything!
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Mr. Tassos helped me a lot the past year and gave me lot of support and motivation to improve. The past two years have changed my life, I improved a lot in Volleyball in all the fields and I am the athlete and person that I am now. Furthermore, I am ready to continue this progress over the next few years at VCU with the help of my coaches, professors and the girls on the team. I can’t express the gratitude I have for the help that I received from the Nomos team and especially from Tassos and Kristin Kaburakis. They were always there for me and helped me to accomplish my dream. I am sure that we will have a great relationship in the future, they are great humans and I want to have them in my life as friends. I hope that they will continue to do this work with so much love and support for others, and they will help numerous athletes to accomplish their dreams as students-athletes in the US. Thank you so much NOMOS team.
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This was a long ride for all of us. We were like partners, we dealt with everything. Many good offers had come and gone, but I think that I made the best choice and that's because of Kristin and Tassos. Beginning this fall, I will be studying and playing in the US at Louisiana Tech, a university which has international reputation in regard to sports and education. I'm really grateful for having Tassos and Kristin in my life since they helped me to get out of my comfort zone. Because of this I have the opportunity to compete at the D1 level. Thank you Kristin and Tassos. We've been through a lot together. We came as strangers, we became friends and we continue as family. Dimitra Tziarli Louisiana Tech University
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From this fall I will be studying in one of the best universities of the United States and play collegiate basketball on a first division level making my dream come true. The endless talks on the phone, the continuous motivation, the restless passion and encouragement to aim always at the highest level will stay with me for life. A “thank you” is so little regarding his help for the best for my future and my career. He worked so hard to help my dream come true, his passion, honesty and faith are really rare to find and I am so lucky and grateful for having crossed paths with him. I know that this new journey for me away from everything and everyone I have known so far will not be easy. But I also know I will be having a person in the US to count on for any obstacles I may encounter, doubts or even homesickness. His motivation and advice is precious and all individuals who have the opportunity to work with him are truly lucky. A million thank you,
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In my case “NOMOS” was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Mr. Tassos and everyone else who is working for this team helped me the entire time, when I was searching for a good university to study and play volleyball. Being a part of the University of Cincinnati, makes me feel comfortable saying that the results were amazing. Those people are now my family and I really appreciate everything that the “NOMOS team” did for me, in order to get that opportunity. They always stood by my side, answering my questions and always trying to help me with everything. They are still by my side, making sure that everything is okay and that I am having a good time. Thank you so much for everything!!!
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I am particularly pleased by the course of our cooperation with Nomos and I will make special note for Tassos Kaburakis. I declare my limitless trust in him with overfilling joy. Sometimes I think you should not reach a decision for someone else; that someone knows better. Indeed, in our case that happened. He was exceptionally supportive of Marina’s efforts, with very positive impact on her psychological encouragement. We had skype communications and I would observe a caring man, examining offers and prospects with great ability. With a very sweet way he would make suggestions, recommendations, and with great mastery he would open new horizons and new opportunities for her through their communication. Recognizing this man’s intentions, you draw courage and you say it’s all worth it. Marina Markaki believed in her dream and Nomos opened her pathways to realize it. Dreams are to be conquered and I am at a loss for words thanking him for this. I am grateful for the impeccable collaboration extended to us. These joint efforts culminated in Marina obtaining a 100% scholarship at NJIT, which allows my daughter to play D1 volleyball. Don’t ever get tired of being who you are and give your directions to young people in your sweetest way. I hope all the children in the world get the chance to find people who will support them psychologically in the course of their lives. Sometimes I would catch myself thinking that what he’s suggesting I could not have said that well myself. Leafing through her soul and inspiring her through pure intentions of maximizing her effort successfully carried her through. Dreams are to be conquered, and the goals she achieved were high.
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Growing up in Greece going to an American college was always a dream for a lot of kids, so it was for me. After finishing high school I started playing volleyball, a sport I came to love. But except from volleyball, my education was and still is very important to me, so I wanted a chance to do both. My coach, always looking after me, knew that and wanted to help, as he saw a lot of potential in me. So he brought me in touch with Dr. Kaburakis. This was one of the most important moments of my life the last few years, because from this point on everything changed for me.
At first I didn't give much thought to the possibility of going abroad to study and play volleyball. After a few discussions and a video chat, Tassos had me on the way to make my dream a reality. Almost instantly he found a good college with a new up and coming volleyball program that was the right fit for me. The process to go there though was really hard and needed great effort from both sides. Thankfully Tassos was ready for the task and helped me complete every single paper needed in a timely manner. Every question, every miscommunication with the college, every single problem that came in the way, Tassos was there to resolve it. Even now that I'm in the college and everything is flowing perfectly, I still keep in touch with him so we can work out every single problem that may arise.
Me and my mother, who was next to me on this big journey, are grateful to Tassos, because he gave a part of his life to help me achieve high goals. He is a great man with great values and a great personal drive to be the best at his job. That's why he is successful and NOMOS will continue to help people to reach their goals.
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I have had the privilege of knowing Mr. Kabouraki since I was a kid. Ever since I decided that I want to play college basketball, he has been nothing but supportive and a person who always guided me. He gave me pointers on how to develop and polish my game and pushed me to ask myself certain questions that had to do with why I wanted to do what I wanted to do. He helped me present who I am and what my game is, to coaches in the United States and for that I am extremely grateful.
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Similar to other parents, I too want my children to dream, to set goals, and work to realize them. As a mom, I am always next to them to help them as much as I can. In the case of my daughter, Chrysanthi, who wanted to study in the United States on an athletic scholarship, I undertook to fulfill all the procedural details (e.g. collect transcripts and other necessary documents, arrange for official translations, etc.) Believe me, it's a process that is not easy at all, and very time-consuming (while time pressure was intense). The hardest part was that this process was completely unknown for me. Thankfully, in the process I met Tasso, who is now considered a close friend for me and our family. He always stood by me and Chrysanthi, a tireless supporter, advising and guiding us, answering all our questions, trying to find solutions to arising problems, giving us courage and the strength to carry on. Honestly, without his help I do not know what the outcome of my daughter's effort would be. Within four months from the moment of us meeting, my daughter was traveling to the U.S. and the University of Cincinnati, in order to study at a very good university on an athletic scholarship, playing volleyball on a very competitive team. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank Tasso and all his associates for their support and wish him and his family the very best for the future. Όπως όλοι οι γονείς έτσι κι εγώ θέλω τα παιδιά μου να κάνουν όνειρα, να βάζουν στόχους και να προσπαθούν να τους πετύχουν. Εγώ ως μαμά είμαι πάντα δίπλα τους να τα βοηθώ όπου και όπως μπορώ. Στη περίπτωση της κόρης μου Χρυσάνθης, που ήθελε να σπουδάσει στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες με αθλητική υποτροφία, ανέλαβα να διεκπεραιώσω όλα τα διαδικαστικά (όπως να συγκεντρώσω βαθμολογίες και διάφορα άλλα έγγραφα που χρειαζόταν, να γίνουν επίσημες μεταφράσεις κλπ). Πιστέψτε με μια διαδικασία καθόλου εύκολη και πολύ χρονοβόρα (ενώ η πίεση του χρόνου ήταν μεγάλη). Πιο δύσκολη την έκανε το γεγονός ότι ήταν εντελώς άγνωστη σε μένα. Ευτυχώς στη διαδρομή αυτή γνώρισα τον Τάσο, ο οποίος πλέον θεωρείται για μένα και την οικογένειά μου ένας πολύ καλός φίλος. Στάθηκε πάντα δίπλα σε μένα και στη Χρυσάνθη ακούραστος συμπαραστάτης, να μας συμβουλεύει, να λύνει κάθε απορία μας, να προσπαθεί να βρει λύσεις στα προβλήματα που προέκυπταν στη πορεία, να μας δίνει κουράγιο και δύναμη για τη συνέχεια. Ειλικρινά, αν δεν είχαμε τη βοήθειά του, δεν γνωρίζω ποια θα ήταν η κατάληξη της προσπάθειας του παιδιού μου. Μέσα σε τέσσερις μήνες από τη στιγμή που γνωριστήκαμε το παιδί μου ταξίδευε για τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και το πανεπιστήμιο του Σινσινάτι προκειμένου να σπουδάσει σε ένα πολύ καλό πανεπιστήμιο με αθλητική υποτροφία, παίζοντας βόλεϊ σε μία πολύ ανταγωνιστική ομάδα. Θέλω να ευχαριστήσω μέσα από την καρδιά μου τον Τάσο και όλους τους συνεργάτες του για τη συμπαράστασή τους και να ευχηθώ σε αυτόν και την οικογένειά του τα καλύτερα για το μέλλον.
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I met Mr. Kaburakis a few months ago. Of course, in the past I had heard about Mr. Tasso, that he is a Greek who lives and works in America and he helps very efficiently any athletes who want to live the American Dream. So, because the universe always helps you to meet your good fate when you put forth the effort, six months ago the coach of my son in volleyball, knowing the desire he had to leave for America, introduced us to Mr. Kaburakis. From that point on. everything proceeded like magic. Since the first moment, we felt we had our own person. So friendly, communicative, literally opened his family for us. We were filled with dreams and trust for the great step ahead. He guided us with everything, the best way possible. He intervened with any difficult and insurmountable obstacles in the process, the right and most efficient way. He truly is a Greek, who embraces kids warmly in this great life journey. As a parent I was inspired to trust him immensely. I will also add here that I have a daughter, who is a rower, and she already had a scholarship to study in America. I needed to ask him for advice for her own matters. His knowledge, experience, and responsibility are impressive. He is professional and a man of character and ethics, difficult to encounter these days. I thank him warmly. I know and sense that no matter what state my children will reside in, they have their own human being, because that is ultimately what Tassos Kaburakis is. Our own person for our children. I hope many children can follow their own path and reach high. It's really worth trusting and placing your children's journey in the hands of this man. Anything that appears impossible at the other end of the planet, he has the knowledge, experience, and desire to make feasible for each family. I wish him the best in his work. Γνώρισα τον κ. Καμπουράκη πριν από κάποιους μήνες.Βέβαια στο παρελθόν είχα ακούσει για τον κ. Τάσο ότι είναι ένας Ελληνας που ζει και ερ΄γαζεται στην Αμερική και βοηθάει πολύ΄αποτελεσματικά τους Αθλητές που θέλουν να ζήσουν το Αμερικάνικο όνειρο.Έτσι έπειδή το σύμπαν πάντα σε βοηθάει να συναντηθείς με τη καλή σου μοίρα όταν προσπαθείς,πριν έξι μήνες περίπου ο προπονητής του γιού μου στο Βόλει γνωρίζωντας την επιθυμία του να φύγει Αμερική μας σύστησε τον κ. Καμπουράκη. Και εκεί όλα πια προχώρησαν μαγικά.Ηταν από τη πρώτη στιγμή σα να είχαμε έναν δικό μας άνθρωπο .Τόσο φιλικός ,επικοινωνιακός,κυριολεκτικά μας έβαλε στην οικογένειά του.Μας γέμισε με όνειρα και εμπιστοσύνη για το μεγάλο μας βήμα.Μας καθοδήγησε στο κάθε τι με το καλύτερο τρόπο.Μεσολάβησε σε ότι δυ΄σκολο και απροσπέλαστο βρέθηκε στη διαδικασία με τον πιο σωστό και αποτελεσματικό τρόπο. Πραγματικά είναι ένας Ελληνας που αγκαλιάζει ζεστά τα παιδιά σε αυτό το μεγάλο ταξίδι ζωής.Σαν γονιό μου ενέπνευσε τεράστια εμπιστοσύνη. Και εδώ θα πώ επειδή έχω και μια κόρη που ασχολείτε με κωπηλασία και βρίσκεται ήδη με υποτροφία Αμερική,χρειάστηκε να ζητήσω τη συμβουλή του για κάποιες δικές της υποθέσεις.Οι γνώσεις που έχει η εμπειρία και η υπευθυνότητα είναι εντυπωσιακές.Εινα επαγγελματίας και άνθρωπος με χαρακτήρα και ήθος που δύσκολα συναντας στην εποχή μας. Τον ευχαριστώ θερμά.Ξέρω και αισθάνομαι ότι σε όποια πολιτεία και αν είναι τα παιδιά μου έχουν πια ένα δικό τους άνθρωπο γιατί αυτό τελικά είναι ο Τασος Καμπουράκης.Ο δικός μας άνθρωπος για τα παιδία μας. Εύχομαι πολλά παιδιά να ακολουθήσουν το δρόμο τους και να φτάσουν ψηλά. Αξίζει πραγματικά να εμπιστεύεσαι και να αφήνεις το δρόμο των παιδιών σου στα χέτρια αυτό΄του ανθρώπου.Κάθε τι που φαντάζει αδύνατο στην άλλη άκρη του πλανήτη έχει τη γνώση την εμπειρία και τη διάθεση να το κάνει προσιττό για κάθε οικογένεια. Έχω και μια τρίτη κόρη που τελειώνει το λύκειο και ανεπιφύλακτα θα συμβουλευτώ τον κ. Καμπουράκη για το Αμερικάνικο όνειρο το δικό της. Του εύχομαι καλη συνέχεια στο εργο του.
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As a parent whose child got a scholarship in the USA I feel gratitude for Mr Kaburakis. He is always there for us, got us in touch with various coaches from many universities in the USA, even made them contact each other in order for my daughter to visit them. Moreover, he gave us lots of advice because he is very experienced and still after the scholarship was given he still keeps in touch and is always helpful. I will never forget how much Tassos helped us and he should know that he has a family in Greece that will welcome him and his family whenever he comes.
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I have been incredibly lucky and fortunate to cross paths with Dr. Kaburakis three years ago when I first started my journey of becoming a college basketball player. We met through a mutual friend who insisted on meeting with Dr. Kaburakis, for the reason that going to college, you need people around you that you can trust. At first I thought I wouldn’t be needing anyone and going to college wasn’t a big deal, anyways, we had a few talks, I signed with him and now we were “working together”. I started out playing for a prep school in Phoenix, Arizona, which turned out to be a really bad situation. Despite signing papers and forms promising me that there was going to be SAT practice, food 3 times a day, practice gear, great facilities, and good coaches, it was anything but that. I desperately wanted out of my then current situation, therefore I chose to sign with the first school that offered me despite having Dr. Kaburakis telling me not to. Being a young and stubborn kid at the time, I really thought it was a great school even with having Dr. Kaburakis in my corner telling me that there were red flags and it wouldn’t be a great fit. As stupid and ignorant I was at the time, I ignored him and I was quickly learning my lesson. He was right, the school turned out to be a bad decision and I was again getting desperate to find a new home. At this point, I was wondering if college was worth it but after a huge support system and numerous skype meetings with Dr. Kaburakis he made me change my mind, I was now finally learning my lesson and instead starting to trust his decisions and experience. Trying to transfer schools was a huge circus, the coaches were telling me not to transfer or otherwise they would lose their jobs, homes and be unable to provide for their families, the school wouldn’t release me and the whole situation felt absolutely hopeless. Help was again no longer than a phone call away, Dr. Kaburakis ensured me that we could get me through and again, he was right. He went to war with the school, after sitting in multiple hour long meetings with the school and people from NCAA several times a week over the course of 3-4 months, we finally got my release and I was able to sign with my new school, which couldn’t have been a better fit for me. The moral of the story is to have someone in your corner that you can trust and is going to be there for you every step of the way! Trying to make it to college and finding the best situation can be very difficult and stressful task for you and your family. Having someone like Dr. Kaburakis there for you who cares first and foremost about your wellbeing, knows how to deal with every imaginable situation, and is treating you like a family member is vital. I have never met a person with more passion and heart than Dr. Kaburakis, he will always give you his best regardless of how much he has on his own plate. He is a very positive and motivated person and as long as I have him by my side I know that everything will be OK! I am forever thankful for what he has done and I could NOT have been any happier to have such a great person/businessman/friend/family. My family and I are forever grateful for what he gave us. I consider him and the Nomos team family and I know that our bond will only grow stronger with time!
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I came to the US from Trinidad in 2010 after being recruited by the coaches of SLU. It was a whirlwind as I committed late in May 2010 and was on a plane to attend summer school a little over a month later at the end of June. My first encounter with Tasso came at the beginning of 2011 as he was appointed my academic mentor. We started off talking via email and met a couple times for lunch and we got to know each other immediately. One of the defining moments in our mentorship came when Tassos asked me to be a panelist for a discussion regarding international student athletes. It was really a pleasure to share my experiences of my story and to also listen to the story of other international student athletes from different schools and from different regions of the world. This was a great experience and one that I will remember for the rest of my life. It is his commitment to excellence and providing opportunities like these both in the classroom and on the field that sets Tassos apart from his peers. He is unafraid to be critical not only of himself but those around him and this has undoubtedly been a key to his success as a professor, mentor, lawyer and researcher. I am lucky to have such a great person in my circle giving me perspective and sharing in his wealth of knowledge. He has never allowed me to only focus on soccer but has continuously pushed me to excel in the classroom. As a result I have been able to put myself in a position to graduate with honors as one of the top students in my class. I look forward to working with Tassos in the future as thus far it has been thoroughly rewarding to work closely with him.
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I've had the privilege of knowing Dr. Kaburakis for over 5 years. As a true friend and mentor he has helped me broaden my views not only on academically and athletically related matters, but also on life in general. His outstanding charisma has been a great driving and motivating force for me to succeed and overcome every challenge and obstacle I have been faced with. I can proudly say that Tassos has been a role model to me and someone that I truly admire.
He has helped an immense amount of young people coming from all parts of the world pursue their athletic, academic, and life dreams, by ensuring that they find the right place in the United States where they have been able to utilize their full athletic, academic, and human potential. Tassos is a unique and rare professional who has managed to master both academic and athletic worlds. Being a former basketball coach and lawyer in Greece, closely working with NCAA on their regulatory matters, and working in academia give valuable perspective and are highly related for providing exceptional aid to young people willing to come to the United States to make a difference. I can, without any doubt, say that Tassos is the most knowledgeable person for assisting international student athletes in pursuing their dreams and thriving for better future by attending educational institutions in the United States. His expertise and experience can help future prospects find the best fit for their athletic and academic potential and fully maximize their capabilities. Tassos is a hard worker who always goes above and beyond no matter what he is involved with. He takes pride and dedication in helping young people in their future conquests. I have been very blessed for knowing Tassos, and especially for having him as a close friend and mentor.
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Tassos has been an excellent influence for young learners and ball players. In a day and age where sports are held in higher regard than education, Tassos was able to blend the two. Tassos helped me realize that playing sports in college was a privilege, but that earning a degree while playing was my right. He put a premium on my ability to get a graduate degree while still playing basketball, and talked about he could spread my story to others. Tassos supported my athletic abilities, but applauded my academic ones and helped me reach my potential in the classroom. Tassos has been a great mentor over the years, even though I'm graduated now he still constantly communicates with me and is willing to help at a moments notice. Great man, teacher, person and most of all friend!
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I have known Dr. Kaburakis for over 20 years and through this journey we have worked together on a number of projects in the academic as well as athletic world. Tasso is very professional in dealing with anything that comes his way; he is very knowledgeable on a number of topics and likes to see things done and completed. His most precious attribute is the fact that he genuinely cares in helping young adolescents; he has shown the way to a number of youngsters who aspired to reach their goals.
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Cooperating with Tassos is an investment in true and profound friendship as well as an impeccable professional relationship, which leads to certain results. The time he personally devotes to each young talent and each prospective student-athlete's family, next to his relentless and consistent support during the entire course of a student-athlete's career, are definite competitive advantages for Nomos LLC. Tasso, I want to thank you in the name of all student-athletes and their families from Greece for your help, and I hope your values, work ethic, and scientific expertise continue to open more paths academically, athletically, and professionally for more and more young people in the future.
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Greetings from the windy city of Chicago. It has been a very enjoyable journey so far in the United States and that is because Tasos Kaburakis has helped me a lot to chase my dream. I am a sophomore guard at Morton College, and yesterday we just beat the 8th ranked team in the nation, Kishwaukee finishing up the year strong. Tasos goes a long way back with my father, and since I was a young kid he has shown me the right path to follow in order to play college basketball, and now I am competing at a high level. I personal think that Tasos has the knowledge and the experience to help young people. Just look at me!
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It all began after my trip to the US for a basketball tournament. After that my dream was to play professionally there but also attend a major American university, so I started searching for a contact there in order to help me achieve my goal. That was the time I met Dr Kaburakis. Considering that I had no knowledge about how the education and sports system works in the US, this brilliant man with his deep and versatile knowledge about the education system helped me figure out a way to come to the US and combine these two important aspects of my life. I have to mention that his indefatigable effort that is an example to everyone, because he was totally focused on helping me to make my dream come true. Together we spend uncountable hours in order to overcome obstacles in our path. Even when we reached a difficult situation he always stood by me. He encouraged me with all means in order to continue working, he guided me with advises that will not only help me go to college but will accompany me through the rest of my life and more importantly he stood as a good friend. I consider myself very lucky for meeting this man, his abnegation showed true quality and character. Thanks for everything.
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I am Stefanos, a young student from Greece who had the amazing opportunity to talk and meet Tassos Kaburakis. This incredible man stood and still stands beside me during our cooperation. Although he is far away and I have never met him before, he was like my best friend who never ceased to believe and encourage me. His efforts along with his team were great because he didn’t only help me find a scholarship but he wanted to ensure that I get what it is best for me and considered all of my future options academically and athletically. The thing that I appreciate the most is that this man is clear with his words from the beginning; he will not give anyone false or wrong hopes. He is totally professional and dedicated to his work and the results are very satisfying. There are so many ways to describe this man and I can ensure everyone that they are absolutely positive. People like Tassos must remain in our lives, and the only thing that I can say is ‘’THANK YOU’’ for everything you have done for me, and you are the reason that I stand where I stand.
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I met Dr. Kaburakis when I was only 15 years old, and a member of the Greek national team. This is when I started 'dreaming' of playing ball in the US. Three years later, after going through lots of practical and legal procedures, this dream became reality. I played one year at the NorthWest Florida College, and three years at the University of California, Riverside. My academic and athletic experiences during the course of these years were extremely valuable and fulfilling. Nonetheless, had it not been for the professional support of Dr. Kaburakis, my journey would have been a lot more difficult, if not impossible. His familiarity with the day-to-day difficulties I had to face, his legal expertise, and--perhaps most importantly--his genuine interest for me as a student-athlete and as a person, gave me fuel to move on and persist until I succeed. Over ten years after first meeting Dr. Kaburakis, I am more than thankful for having had his help and support, and I hope to continue collaborating with him, either professionally or academically.
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My college journey was quite an adventure but it wouldn't be possible without Dr Kaburakis. I have been searching for proper school every year and Dr Kaburakis was of a great help. His knowledge of sports, academics and his connections with people helped me to overcome all the obstacles that i ran into during my 3 years of being a college athlete. Even when things weren't looking too good for me at some points,he was there with positive energy and ability to make everything work. He is an ally that any college athlete who is coming to the US for the first time can have. I'm thankful for Dr Kaburakis and entire Nomos team, looking forward to be part of the family!
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When you live thousand of miles away from home to make your dreams come true, you can understand how blessed you should feel for everything that happens in your life. Not many people have the opportunity to live the "American dream" like each one of us having the privilege to do so. Some people found luck and some others found opportunities and took them for granted, just like most of us did. When you come across to a different continent, you do not expect from people who are not related to you to care. You do not expect a chance for a better future if you do not give your best. You do not expect from a foreign country to make you feel like home. But how I feel right now, four years later in the States? I feel that my journey has been quite an adventure but it would not be possible without the help and inspiration of Dr Kaburakis. With that being said, I feel truly blessed to have the privilege of knowing Dr Kaburakis for over five years now. A man, a lawyer, a professor, a great mentor and for many, including myself, an excellent friend! Tassos has helped me broaden my horizons in many different fields such as in academics and athletics. His outstanding talent of giving inspiration and motivation through his achievements to young people is something that forced me to want to succeed in life and overcome every challenge I have been faced with. It all began after I reached the decision to come to the States and accept a scholarship to study as well as get to play basketball for Whitfield High School. That was probably one of the biggest and toughest decisions me and my family ever made. I remember it like it was yesterday when I landed to Saint Louis and having Tasso, my host family, my teammates and my coach waiting for me at the airport. I just stared at them knowing barely enough English to communicate, but having Dr Kaburakis at that moment as my translator, I made it through the first night. I remember him calling me the next day and telling me those specific words of encouragement "you are here for a reason and promise me you won't stop until you get what you want". And that was my motivation to start off my senior year in high school, learning a new language and a new way of life. Completely different than home, but I loved it! After almost a year, I was a graduate high school student with a diploma in my hands. I would have never made it so far without my family's and Tassos support! As I mentioned earlier, my experience in the States has been kind of a bumpy ride. First, I moved to Harris Stowe State University to play basketball on a scholarship and I was being honored with a Student-Athlete reward. Then, after completing my freshman year I transferred to Saint Louis University to move on into my sophomore year. Of course, I had the extreme help of Dr Kaburakis to get into the program and securing many scholarships as financial support. Things did not change a lot after my first semester at SLU. After my transition there, I decided what I really wanted to do as a career; SLU proved that it would not really be the best choice for me, even though it is one of the top schools in Missouri. SLU did not have a strength and conditioning/personal training program, which I decided I want to do for a living in the near future. With that being said, I was still trying to find my way out in order to find something better for myself. SIUE was my one and only chance to rebuild my dreams and have a new beginning in my life. So here I am today, three years later at Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville as my ideal place to be. I am majoring in Exercise Science/Kinesiology and aiming towards Strength and Conditioning and Personal Training. Also, I am minoring in Nutrition and Sports Psychology. My short term goal is to get my degree from SIUE next Spring of 2018 and follow with my masters in Business. Me and my family are beyond grateful for everything Tassos has done all these years for me. None of these would have happened without him and his support. I admire him for everything that he has done and I am considering him as one of my role models in life. Thank you for all Dr. T!
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One of my dreams that I always wished to come true was to chase a career in the US. This dream was fulfilled with the help of Dr Tassos Kaburakis. Not only as a mentor, a professor, and specialist in college basketball and academics, but also as a true friend to me, he did everything within his power to provide me all the best for my first year in Saint Louis. In other words, he advised me using his experience and passion in the college domain so as to avoid common mistakes that freshman students usually make. What is more, he was always there for me when I asked for any kind of help and just like an older brother he did the right thing for me. I am so glad with my first year in Missouri and can't wait to take one more big step in the following year.
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When you live thousands of miles away from home, you don't expect people who aren't related to you or just met you to care. After my first conversation with Tassos, I knew he truly cared. Within hours, he was taking active steps in assisting me and supporting my efforts to achieve my personal and academic goals. His hard work and relentless help are obvious in the multiple successes of the students he mentors. His constant support and mentorship have led me to a full ride offer in a Masters Program from Saint Louis University. I am beyond grateful for everything he has done for me and am looking forward to growing through his wisdom and knowledge under the same academic institution.
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Although we’ve never met each other face to face, since the first time of our on-skype contact I felt astonished of his straightness and honesty, something rare nowadays. I firmly believe that Dr Tassos was the greatest person, at the greatest time, for the greatest thing: to help me find out the best choice for the next step in my career. I think that I couldn’t reach my goal to be a member of a Division I college without his effort, consultation and mainly his daily encouragement. ‘’Keep going (vasta gera in greek), don’t be afraid of nothing!’’ was only one of his constant advice. Dr Tassos Kaburakis is the most ideal person for anybody who wants to chase his/her American dream. He will always be next to you, as a best friend, as a brother. I will always be thankful.
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I had an amazing year in the States. Since I was 10 years old it was always my dream to go the States. You guys made my dreams come true. I remember me landing in Chicago and then getting my flight canceled to St.Louis for the next day and I didn't have a mobile phone with me. I wasn't nervous at all because I was already in the States. Thank God I met awesome people that the only thing they wanted to do was to help us kids to give the best that we can everyday to succeed. I remember Tassos running everywhere to get things done for us. I was living with an amazing family that made me feel so nice being with them and we are still in touch. I remember me going to the first day of school. I felt lost. My head was spinning, I thought that this was going to be my hardest year ever. Then I got a lot of help from people inside the school that made feel better. I was told that I needed to take a test called ACT if I wanted to get into college so asked all of my friends and people that I knew "how hard the test was"; everybody said that it's the hardest test ever. I was getting so nervous. The first time I took it was so bad. Then again Tassos and the family I was living with helped me find a tutor for it. The second time the scores were delayed for almost a month and that made me more nervous. But finally I got them and I had improved my score by 50%, which allowed me to receive scholarships for college! Basketball wise, it was one of my favorite years also. At first I was so afraid to play basketball in the States on my own way because I knew that in the States the game is so different. So the first practices I was staring at the players to see the way that they were playing. Later I got involved. I remember playing a very hard game against the # 1 player all over Missouri. Tassos spent a lot of time sending me a wonderful good luck message, that made me play the best game of the year. Every time I talk about this game, I call it the "Tassos Game" because his words got me moving. I got so excited when I heard my name 3 times on the TV, that was amazing too. I also made the all conference team. I have never seen such a careful person like Tassos, he was always there for us no matter what. I also thank God for blessing me with such an amazing family. Those are some of the things that made my year special. Thanks to everybody for making this year a dream come true. Now I am ready for the next step, in college, and with everyone's blessings I feel I am going to do very well!
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My name is Ioulia, 19 years old from Greece. Last year was my first in Saint Louis. I came here on scholarship because of my athletic records in track, and specifically race-walking. During the first few days I met some people who changed my life there. Lou Potsou, Tassos Kaburakis are just a couple of people on a fantastic team for us all! They help us with academics, our athletic career and just having fun. I had the opportunity to meet other students from Greece and Europe and we are still good friends talking almost every day. All international students are grateful to these people.
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I was fortunate to meet Dr. Kaburakis two years ago, while I was searching for a postgraduate program in the United States. My dream has always been to obtain a MS in Sport Management from a US university, but I was not familiar with the US education system. Dr. Kaburakis’ versatile knowledge for the US education system and his connections in the international sports industry helped me to identify the best sport management graduate programs in the US. Currently, I am a student at the MBA of Sport & Entertainment management at the University South Florida and I just started my career in the US sport industry a graduate assistant of the USF Athletics marketing department, thanks to Dr. Kaburakis. I strongly believe that without Dr. Kaburakis’ guidance I couldn’t find my program and acquire a scholarship for my studies. Moreover, I really appreciated the personal relationship that Dr. Kaburakis developed with me. Even after my acceptance from my university he is always willing to help me and guide me for my academic career and professional career. I am really glad that I had the privilege to work with Dr. Kaburakis and learn from his experience. Thanks again for all your help.
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Coming to US was probably the toughest decision me and my family ever made. At 17 years old coming to a different country and a different continent is kinda scary. I was hopeful though, as I had Mr. Kaburakis with along my side guiding me through every step. My ‘ride’ in the US so far was nothing but easy. My first year was the toughest one for me. I was trying to adjust to the American way of playing basketball but also change my lifestyle. I couldn’t have done it without Mr. Kaburakis. I remember as if it was yesterday when he was calling me every day to just tell me to hang on and keep fighting and that good things happen to those who work for them. And it wasn’t only that. He was always in touch with my family even when I wasn’t and updating them at every point. It is honestly a blessing to have someone so far away from home that your family can rely on to look after you and to be your mentor. Finding a university that would fit me well was not easy for me. Again, after multiple workouts, and several phone calls of Tasso with coaches, I managed to come to Saint Louis and join a University that we all thought was a good fit at the time. It wasn’t though, and when I told Mr. Kaburakis that I wanted something else he immediately supported me. He respected my decisions and did everything in his power and even more to make sure I get what I deserve. I cannot describe the amount of hours we spent on skype and meetings and phone calls. Plus, my old university wouldn’t give me my release at first, something that could cause me a lot of trouble. He once again was there to help me and to go to war with me and do whatever it took to get my release which we eventually got. I was starting to get really frustrated and I was going through some difficult times. I thank God that I had Mr. Kaburakis and my family at that time to support me and to make sure I was going to be the best version of myself. There were times when I thought of going back to Greece and continuing my education there or times that I just wanted to quit looking for a university and to just stop playing basketball. Help again was just a phone call away. I think it’s amazing how much energy and positivity Mr. Kaburakis was able to transmit and pass on to me. After 2-3 months of searching and contacting coaches and any connection he had, he was able to get me into Saint Louis University; a place I love and I feel so lucky and grateful to be in. I couldn’t be happier to be a part of this team and none of it would have been possible without Mr. Kaburakis and Nomos LLC. Me and my family couldn’t thank him enough and couldn’t be happier for me to be here in Saint Louis next to him. We have been through situations that we will both remember and cherish for the rest of our lives. Just to think about how much time and effort he puts into helping others while being a father, professor, business man, a friend, and a lawyer is truly remarkable. None of this would have happened without him. I consider him part of my family and I am proud to do so.
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My journey to the United States began a year ago when I first met Nik Bundalo who introduced me to Dr. Kaburakis. After the first Skype conversation we had, he made me think that I could come to the States with ease. But I was also kind of skeptical because I never thought it would be that easy to come to America and he also made some promises that for me, a kid from Serbia that would do anything to get a real opportunity to get education and a life, seemed impossible to fulfill. Well, I was dead wrong because Tassos rocks! He had not only kept all of his promises, but he even had the time and patience to help me even when I got to the States and had to face tough decisions that I never thought I would have to worry about. He is an amazing, cheerful man that can help young people coming to America pursuing better life opportunities that I am very happy to know. An older brother, a friend, a father… One word – Tassos.
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I met Dr. Anastasios Kaburakis through a friend while I was struggling with all the paper work in Athens. After I followed his advice, in short time, I managed to become a college basketball player in Spartanburg Methodist College (Division I JUCO, South Carolina). Although it is tough for Greek young kids to pursue the student/athlete career, Tassos made it look easy, and he guided me with all the process and procedures I couldn’t deal on my own the years I lived in the U.S.. Mentoring me personally with tips to survive and a lot of other “ammo”, he motivated me to keep on working hard academically and athletically till I succeed. It is amazing how he has a method on dealing with different kinds of problems. He is a real professional in what he does and the fact that his experience is limitless, I believe he is the best person to help and guide young student/athletes achieve their goals and pursue their dreams. Personally, I trust him with my eyes closed. I don’t think there is anything this man can’t do and I look forward to continue working, learning, and receiving knowledge from him.
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Being a 27 year-old Greek basketball player that wanted to pursue higher education in the USA I was completely lost with the procedures I needed to do. Thankfully Dr. Kaburakis was kind enough to guide me throughout the process and explained the scholarship limitations that I had because of my age. I ended up in ECC, a JuCo in Newark, NJ with a full scholarship, feeling that my dream came true.
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My experience in the US as a student athlete even though it has been a bumpy ride has been very blessed.
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To begin with I would like to thank each and everyone of you who helped me get a scholarship in the U.S. However the best part of your help is not the one that gave me the scholarship, but it is the fact that you were there for me the whole year standing by my side when life wasn't that easy. Υou made me feel like home and always remind me to work hard and never give up. Always told me not to forget where i come from and what my goals are if i have forgotten. Also I know that you ll still be for the rest of my days there and I really appreciate that. The chance that you gave me to get here in the States and the experience that i got out of it is something that i would recommend to everyone. Life is not easy but if you try hard and never give up your time to shine will come. Thanks again and I want to admit that without your help I wouldn't be where I am.